

Don't hit one! Learn what La Sayo is inventing to stand up to the people's rejection

Cori is only alive thanks to the journalists and digital portals that are still receiving their payment.

Published at: 04/09/2024 10:32 PM

September 4th 2024

Place: With Cori in the Chacao Municipality waiting for you to come and get us, but you're acting crazy

Patriota del Valle Arriba Country Club

Hello Gordooooooooo! , Chubby, how are you? , I am more entangled than Cori trying to find a solution to all the disaster she has been weaving, a disaster that leads her to her irremediable exile or to prison. Turns out I went for a jog because I have to keep in line, then I remembered that we are in hiding and I had to return.

Speaking of exile and prison, God! , Cori is still very upset with you because you don't send her to be arrested, she says she sent you the location with her little friend who has the last name “Armas” but you don't listen to her.

God or Joseph! Listen to Cori's latest theory but don't laugh. It turns out that my Cori said that my uncle Inmundo is 75 years old, so they can't take him to prison, so if so please take it to her and I think that's also what my uncle Inmundo wants, yes! , that you take Cori prisoner, that's why my uncle Inmundo's lawyer told the prosecution today that my uncle did not participate in anything bad, that is, that my uncle was not complicit in the falsification of the records and their publication, that everything is the fault of Barboza, of Enrique Márquez, of Picón, of Delpino, of Luis Aquiles Moreno, of other lousy of the Unitary Platform and of course of Cori Yes! , my baby Gerber, Uncle Inmundo is a toad who wants to destroy them all, so much so that Inmundo asked the lawyer not to call him president but a former candidate because deep down my uncle knows that he committed a crime.

My mango compote! , people will wonder why my uncle sent his lawyer today after they made three calls to him before issuing the arrest warrant? , very easy! , because my friends the gringos told him that in any part of the world contempt is a crime, that if he does not appear and defend himself, he ratifies the crimes for which he is accused. Good! , my ground beef patty with bread, after the scolding they ran out to see if they could rebuild the road, but everything beats... Diosdi, did you understand me? , stop pretending that you don't speak English, please oooooorrrrrr! , I always tell my friends the Sifri and the Sifri, that my Diosdi speaks English very well, but he plays crazy.

I don't think the prosecution believes anything the lawyer says, much less what my uncle says.

Diosdi, Cori drives me crazy, as now if it's true that she doesn't sleep, the other day she made me accompany her to read a manual sent to her by Magalli's other wacko, the book is called “Sharp Method of Non-Violent Actions”, because they are desperate to invent new ways to make themselves felt because they know that there is no street and even the little commandos stopped answering the phone, we only have those who have a salary left, and by the way they told me that they are afraid of receiving money because you You reported the funding thing. Returning to the manual, we have that point 31 and 32 recommends: “overwhelming public officials, annoying them, verbally repudiating them”, that is! God said! , that's not peaceful at all.

Another show that went wrong for Cori is the pronouncement of the supposed “chavistas” who were going to go out with her and my uncle Inmundo, just as they once dated Guaidó. Turns out they left her waiting. Cori is furious and threatened them, the most likely thing is that now they will come out because these people lost their sense of shame, but in the meantime, they had to disguise this new failure and political silence, that's why they invented the campaign that Nico Maduro kidnaps children.

My coconut oil, listen to me! , if anyone knows how to harm children it is my friend Cori and his mother, I will only leave you the name of the Athena Foundation and next week I will explain to you what is behind a case of corruption and the death of two children drowned in the swimming pool of a Complex managed by INAM and the Athena Foundation, a foundation chaired at that time by Corina Parisca de Machado, mother of María Corina Machado, who was also part of the board and official image of said foundation. Diosdado, you will have to reopen that case and bring the investigation to the end, which will hurt me a lot because I love Cori, but when I think that those two creatures died without justice, my heart wrinkles.

Let's continue. God, tell Bukele or the friends who traffic magic dust on your show that the money they sent to Cori has arrived, but the order is to tell people that there is no money. Magalli has those funds under control, she's trying to get her to the controls. God, I'm going to send you the database of the commands they charge so you can locate them and have a coffee with them, yes! My sour grapefruit bonbon, you have to be different. God, the other day I was thinking about what would happen if you were a little thinner, more delicate? Can you imagine? , if I were to direct operation tun-tun I would arrive with flowers, with chocolates, God! , you must be more affectionate.

Meanwhile, all of our regional teams at Vente Venezuela are starting to get tired of being hidden and out of money, because ¡Diosdi! Cori always tells me that I should leave the money they send us for the media, and it's understandable, because my poor friend Cori is only alive thanks to the journalists and digital portals that still receive their payment, otherwise, no one will remember her name anymore, only you and me.

Diosdado, Cori really has some loose screws. Last night when we were smoking she hugged me and said “don't decline, you must tell everyone to continue working because we are winning”, I kept looking at her and I said to myself: “myself winning what? , if all we are winning is a long stay at the resort of the five letters”. God, my friend Cori hasn't realized that everything has already been lost.

My Coco nougat, I tell you that I returned to the hairdresser in La Chiqui, my hairdresser who dates a PJ goat, told me that many state structures of First Justice, mainly those in Miranda, Metropolitan Area, Maracaibo, Aragua, Carabobo, Lara and Anzoátegui are sold out of the national show, they got tired of the cake put on by the MUD, they can't stand María Corina, that's why they decided to work and prepare for the regional elections, they say they're no longer going to March or participate in calls for violence because they are going to dedicate themselves to doing politics, but my gordis, is it that they are leaving with Brito? While I was ironing my hair, La Chiqui told me that the councilman from Baruta. José Gregorio González and the councilor of Sucre, Tadeo Rada, are responsible for creating violence in Baruta by order of Luis Somaza, pure lice! please oorrr!.

God or Joseph! This is the moment where I get toxic to tell you what's cooking. A series of messages and videos are coming calling for the supposed liberation of Venezuela; different extreme opposition actors, including Cori, continue to work on the plan to introduce mercenaries and paramilitary elements into the country in order to generate chaos; about mercenaries there are of various nationalities, but Cori does not want to operate with mercenaries who are related to Crazy Leo or other political groups, because from his logic, whoever sets fire to the country is the one who has the right to sitting in Miraflores, so she wants to set fire to the country alone to be the one who charges according to her calculations, that's why she's working with North American, Salvadoran, Israeli mercenaries and Uribe insists on sending her help, so keep in mind; I insist that Cori and her allies will continue to seek to create the stage for the ICC to condemn Nico Maduro; they will continue to pressure my friends the gringos for a declaration of force against Venezuela.

I'm leaving you, Cori is screaming.

I write to you and I feel like in the movie Lady and the Wanderer, I'm a princess and you're a crab. Miss me, remember that you are my baby Fiufiu.