

Don't hit one! Learn how the mega-robbery of the vampire Ledezma's son-in-law from PDVSA splashes on Sayo

María Corina Machado, opponent
Photo: Internet

Published at: 16/05/2024 12:19 AM

Wednesday, May 15, 2014, Valle Arriba Country Club

Patriota del Valle Arriba Country

Hello Gordooooooooooo! , chubby of my life, of my heart, here I am drinking a little bit of valerian because Cori is on edge on my nerves. God, when you're like this, half stressed, half crazy with so many things, what do you take to lower your stress?

Well God I'm a little upset, later I'll go to the Country Club church to get holy water because very strange things are happening, I fully believe in God, but I drink too! If they fly, they fly. Notice that around Cori everything is getting very dark, everything is crooked, when we think that we are already well, something happens. In her desperation, Cori asked me to find a witch for her, she is convinced that it's an esoteric problem, and it's not for nothing my chubby Furrialeño, she's saltier than the little mermaid.

Let's start with the robbery that Ledezma's son-in-law made of PDVSA for 600 million dollars in 2018, just when Ledezma was shouting “uh, ah, Maduro is leaving”, the son-in-law was stealing from Venezuelans. Goddess Josée! this is too much hypocrisy, too much falsehood, these people have no limits. I feel mocked, I was drinking tea with Mitzi Ledezma who never tired of talking about the horrors of the supposed “dictatorship” of Nico Maduro, while they were covering up the theft of her son-in-law.

God, listen to me that the problem is not Ledezma but the collateral damage for Cori. As a result of this scandal, the red party of my friends the gringos, that is, the Republicans, issued the instruction to close the doors of Vente Venezuela to prove that Antonio Ledezma has nothing to do with the campaign of Edmundo Gonzáles Urrutia and María Corina Machado. Don't call me toxic because this is one hundred percent confirmed with my source from the elephant party, I mean! please oooorrrr! , help them and give them the test they require.

On the other hand, I don't know how many cryptocurrency wallets I'm going to keep opening to make payments. Cori's payroll is getting bigger every day. Last week I had to reenter the payment of Naky Soto and her husband Luis Carlos, and Maky Arenas was admitted to work with Pérez Vivas. I had to include María Isabel Párraga as part of my uncle Inmundo's communications team, Párraga is more suspicious than an ice cream maker at 3:00am in the top thousand, piles with that. I do all this after coordinating with Claudia Macero, who went into crisis when she found out that Nico Maduro will not give her safe passage to go to Buenos Aires, she told me that she is tired of living with the gang at the embassy, to the point that she preferred a cell alone in the SEBIN, good God! I'm not a scoundrel, but you should fulfill his wish.

Diosdadito, the video of Cori and my uncle Inmundo calling for the formation of the commandos of terror, has been a tragedy. My uncle Inmundo is his natural aging tics, he made some very strange gestures, but the truth is that the poor guy was nervous, Cori manages it as if he were a child, bone! I'll tell you! , my uncle Inmundo didn't want to make the video but she told him “Edmundo there's no turning back, if we stop we'll both sink”, Cori keeps him blackmailed with that story, honestly I don't like this anymore, it's bizarre.

María Corina went so far as to give Edmundo González an assistant, the young woman comes to my uncle Inmundo's house every morning, where she takes away her phone and doesn't return it until the evening when she leaves it. Her job is to filter all the messages and calls, which are answered according to Cori's instructions.

Goddamn Joséeeee! , I get toxic here, I won't tell you twice. Magalli, together with Cori's advisors, are putting together a grid of at least 200 videos where you can see people, let's say actors, dressed as Chavistas releasing CLAP boxes, taking off red flannels, speaking ill of the government, all with the objective of selling an alleged crisis of Chavism and supposed mass resignation in support of my uncle Inmundo. What Magalli doesn't know is that the Chavistas are not swept away like Mr. Héctor Navarro or Rodrigo Cabeza, they don't know that a real Chavista will never go with the traitors to their homeland.

I'll tell you that Cori is falling for stories. Some long-time politicians, not to call them dinosaurs, keep saying that they have infiltrators in the government, I know that's a lie, but it's worth checking all the spaces, money has no conscience.

In that circus everyone is still seeking the attention of Uncle Inmundo, including the Minister for Falsehood Delsa Solórzano, who demanded that she be allowed to do her own act, alone with Edmundo González, that will be tomorrow at the College of Engineers, but I have orders to sabotage it because Cori doesn't want it to look full, although an official from the North American Embassy in Colombia suggested to Cori that she show up to give a message of unity, Cori is thinking about it, but I don't think so. Along the same lines, the lousy of Carlos Ocariz goes, who offered my Uncle Inmundo to ship from the Quinta San Remo located in Los Jorros, diagonally to the asylum where one day we will put Cori in. By the way, that house is paid for by the German foundation Konrad Adenauer through a First Justice foundation.

Gordo I'm running because you know that my uncle Inmundo is going to Maracay, I have to carry the pampers, the vitamins, the pills for his prostate and stomach problems, this isn't easy I told Cori to make a hologram, or look for a double, that would work out better for us.

I'm leaving you because I'm going to pay for Saturday's mobilization, which will start on Friday so that you don't see the buses or strange movements. Cori already said that we should bring in more people than in Zulia and that is difficult.

I write to you and I feel like in the movie Lady and the Wanderer, I'm a princess and you're a crab. Miss me, remember that you are my baby Fiufiu.

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