Don't hit one! Learn about Sayo's new plans in the face of the failure of its call to the military
Courtesy Internet
Published at: 07/08/2024 09:35 PM
August 07, 2024.
Somewhere hidden with Cori, but I came to do my nails jijijijijiji *
Patriota del Valle Arriba Country
Hello Gordooooooooooo! , Chubby, how are you? , I'm doing great, I keep pretending that we're in hiding, you know that Cori loves to live in her fantasy world! God, a serious question have you ever been in hiding? Explain to me well how that is, because from abroad they think that we are fleeing from you, but the truth is that Cori and I sleep in the same places as always.
Very sweet coconut! , my poor friend La Cori, all her plans and those of my uncle Inmundo fell apart, they promised streets, violence and deaths, that is, a state of shock to justify the intervention of international forces and agents, but it didn't work out for them. Cori promised to have soldiers who would betray Nico Maduro and support her, but it didn't happen either. Cori and Uncle Inmundo believed that singing fraud and falsifying the voting records would be enough, but in the case of Cori, you know, she always lives in a parallel universe, that is, she doesn't walk on the ground.
Diosdado, listen to me! , I'm going to tell you how this novel is and how it comes about, which has more drama than the stories of Corín Tellado and more manipulation than those of Cori when she cries falsely. It turns out that FRUSTRATION is the worst enemy facing Cori today and all those lousy people with whom she decided to form political alliances.
Cori sold very high expectations to the opposition electorate and today he has no way of responding. The fight within the Command With Venezuela, within the Unitary Platform and the MUD is enormous, they are blaming Cori for the discouragement they caused to their followers who are beginning to demand answers and complain, they are blaming Cori for manipulating my uncle Inmundo, but this time I must defend my friend, that's not the case, my uncle is also responsible for all the decisions that have been taken. In the midst of the desperation that everyone has to save themselves and try not to let the spirits of the opponents who follow them die, Cori's advisors designed an action plan aimed at the military, putting pressure on the international community and rounding up Chavism using harassment, threats and fear. This is how the idea of the statement to the Bolivarian National Armed Forces that Cori and my uncle Inmundo published on August 5 was born, in which in short they called for a coup d'etat. That unfortunate letter in the handwriting of Cori, with my uncle Inmundo's digital signature, not only generated noise in the international community, but also a fight between Cori, my uncle Inmundo's friends and my uncle Inmundo's family, because everyone wanted to blame Cori for signing my Uncle as “Elected President of Venezuela”, by the way, in the government of my uncle Inmundo, we are neither Republic nor Bolivarians.
My sweet anise acemita, I have to tell the truth, that proclaiming himself “President-Elect” was agreed between Cori and my Uncle, it bothers me a lot that my cousin Mariana, my aunt, the Ramones and other members of the group “Edmundo Une Us”, now want to leave Cori alone with the package. Diosdado José, they must be impartial, if they are going to be taken prisoner whatever it is to everyone, not just Cori, please don't follow me as toxic. God, listen to this carefully. Cori's advisors believe that in order to avoid a “moral decline” in opposition voters, it is necessary to reinforce the lie that Cori is holding talks with several important military personnel, based on this, a campaign will begin to ask people to “resist a little longer”, “that we are close”, but chubby, close to what? , the only thing close I can see is SEBIN or you arriving in uniform, how scary! please oooooooo!.
My bitter grapefruit candy, along the same lines of making us believe that we are okay with the military, came out with the lousy marijuana of Freddy Guevara to say that 83% of the fake acts that Cori has were given to him by the military. Look chubby, the truth is that this boy has his brain burned from so much smoke, because the soldiers didn't give Cori a hand, let alone give him some minutes, please! The lousy Freddy Guevara guy is admitting that we didn't have 100% of the polling stations covered, but when Cori heard that statement, he became furious and almost died. Cori said that if she takes power, Freddy Guevara will be on the list of those who can never return to the country.
My furrial mango jelly, since Cori has failed to get her message to reach the military, she ordered to put together a narrative where supposedly there are soldiers who do want change and who would be leaving Padrino López alone, that is, the objective would be to pressure him, demoralize him and that is why Crazy Leo and his band in Washington are moving to ask for more pressure and more sanctions, but I don't think that my friends the Democrats want to repeat mistakes of the past.
God given Joseph, God given Joseph! , then don't say I didn't warn you and you start calling me toxic, be careful about Iván Simonovis' “cousin eating” because he's working on trying to raise the illegal reward that my friends the gringos put on you and Nico Maduro. His plan is to assemble a team of “bounty hunters” and, according to him, to come to Venezuela, but first he will have to fight with the mercenary Erick Prince who is on the same plan, the truth is that both should analyze a little and reflect on how the mercenary Jordan Goudreau ended up, imprisoned and without even the visit of Juan Guaidó. God, Time Gossip! , do you know why they call Simonovis “he eats cousin”? , because he stopped being victimized and is living with his first cousin in the city of Weston, Florida, but this man is one of the last, he is a louse who gives it to himself as a very manly, but in revenge he took everything from his ex-wife, practically left her on the street and did not even pay her for the 15 years of legal defense that he invested in his case as a lawyer, I tell you this because she told me about it by venting.
Let's keep going about our business, my anise oil. Cori is going to call the streets again this Saturday, August 10, so you'd better say it on your show to see if the plan changes out of the blue, because good people don't want more violence. God, listen to me! As once again Cori and the lousy of his allies brought the opposition electorate to maximum euphoria and frustration (thankfully I am now in the PSUV that doesn't happen there), it turns out that “the until the end” was not July 28 as Cori had said, but now “the until the end” will be January 5, 2025. Cori has turned a communication line to sell a new hope, we have to tell people that we are already in transition and that it will be a long transition. Under Cori's instructions, we must tell people that my uncle, Don Edmundo González Urrutia, will be sworn in on January 5, 2025 in accordance with Article Five of the Constitution, but Diosdado Joséeeeeeeeeee! that can't happen, no! No! No! Chubby nooooooooo ! that can't be, please ooooor! , God or Joseph! Apart from the fact that that wouldn't be legal, apart from the fact that that would be reliving the looting and the crisis caused us by Guaidó's louse, that can't happen because Edmundo González Urrutia has episodes of piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.
I write to you and I feel like in the movie Lady and the Wanderer, I'm a princess and you're a crab.
Miss me, remember that you are my baby Fiufiu.