Diosdado Cabello: We Make Revolution for an Entire Country

First Vice President of the PSUV First Vice President of the PSUV
First Vice President of the PSUV

Con El Mazo Dando 11 años

Published at: 15/11/2024 08:16 PM

The first president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, specified that “we can have all the differences in the world, but we are making Revolution for an entire country.”

During his speech at the Great Congress of the Bolivarian and Chavista Historical Bloc of the Twentieth Century he specified but when a decision is made it is the decision of the Revolution and we are obliged to move forward and defend it.”

“We must be able to present to the country a document at the end of the congress that is extraordinary and that pleases not only the Chavistas, but also the entire country,” he urged at the same time that in a year a new Congress of the Historical Bloc will be held because we have to prepare for the next 30 years.

He reflected and said “if a boss cannot become a leader he must give way to someone who can”.

“The impositions come from groups to preserve spaces, it doesn't matter if it doesn't work for anything and we should not allow that. This phase that comes from the Bolivarian Revolution, between now and 2054, must be splendid, of great decisions in perfect union of the country. We must leave the road ready for young people,” he said.

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