

Diosdado Cabello: We are not going to put up with pods on anyone!

Con El Mazo Dando Program 493
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 04/09/2024 08:30 PM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, assured that “for those who believe that Venezuela is a colony, we are not going to put up with pods on anyone.”

This was stated from his Con El Mazo Dando program where, addressing the Colombian foreign minister, Luis Murillo, he maintained that this New Granada diplomat “is capable of betraying even his own origins because of his level of dedication and submission.”

“This man believes that he can come to stick his nose in Venezuela. He is foreign minister of Colombia, but in truth he is foreign minister of the United States in Colombia (...) he is a US payroll, he is paid there and all his life he worked under the command of Juan González, one of those who wanted to mess with Venezuela and that's where he dried up; now the US names him as chancellor and believes that he can mess with our country,” he said.

He added that “Murillo says he is going to coordinate a meeting between the presidents of Colombia, Brazil and Mexico to discuss the issue of Venezuela, how is it? We Venezuelans deal with the issue of Venezuela (...) which is also a lie because the president of Mexico has already denied it.”

He said that the New Granada diplomat aspires to be a candidate for the presidency of Colombia. “According to himself, he is a leftist. We are landlords for him, but we are Bolivarians, not Santander,” he said.

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