

Diosdado Cabello: There is no capitulation here, if we win we will defend the votes

He warned about the plans that are being framed by opposition extremism with the support of US imperialism, the continental and European right.
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 25/07/2024 05:00 PM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, refuted the threats of violence that opposition extremism and its international allies have made against the Venezuelan electoral process and emphasized that revolutionaries will defend victory.

During the broadcast of his 486th edition of his Con El Mazo Dando program, the psuvist leader dismissed the sayings of La Sayona, and of some international media allied with imperialism and the extremist right that talk about negotiations for a “transition”.

“There is no capitulation here, if we win we will defend the votes,” he emphasized while expressing confidence in a perfect victory for the candidate of the Revolution, the People and Peace, Nicolás Maduro.

He warned about the plans that are framed by opposition extremism with the support of US imperialism, the continental and European right.

“They use the same fraud mechanism and they believe that these elections are made in addition, the State Department, the Southern Command, no, these elections are made by the CNE and the Venezuelans vote,” he pointed out and highlighted the recent publications of manipulated polls that seek to create a sense of victory among the opposition militancy.

“They have been running pirated polls for days, which are so stupid that you add up the supposed percentages and it's like 120%, but they're their polls, they don't even take care of those details,” he said.

“They have the media, they have imperialism, so there are light opinions about what is happening in Venezuela, they don't recognize the struggle of this people and that they have never given up and will not give up!” , he said.

He stated that part of the actions are provocations such as the one intended by a group of former right-wing presidents from Latin America and Spain who intended to enter the country without invitation in order to, according to them, “supervise” the Venezuelan elections.

“And do they think that you enter Venezuela like this and that when they arrive we're going to be scared?” , questioned and warned them that if they try to enter the country they will be expelled.

“If you're not invited to a party, what do they tell you? It's not going! What's more, there are people who kindly tell you: please be kind and you withdraw, you are standing in the way of others, please step aside,” he exemplified.

For Cabello, these former presidents, whom he called “showseros”, believe that with this action “we are going to go out and say: aha, and what are we going to do if they show up at the airport? We kicked them out! There is no problem because they are not invited and they have demonstrated through their customary behavior that they are enemies of this country.”

“We don't give ourselves a bad life for these people, we're not going to give ourselves a bad life for these people, they're inconsequential, but they're not going to come here to fuck off, this country is respected,” he said.

A gift for Chávez!

Cabello recalled that the date of the elections coincides with the 70th birthday of Supreme Commander Hugo Chávez, who recalled that he offered his life to the defense of the People and of the sovereignty and independence of Venezuela.

“The victory of July 28 is a gift for Chávez. Let's go out and vote with conscience and the world will have to recognize,” he pointed out and stressed that the Chavista machinery is ready to guarantee peace throughout the national territory in the face of any scenario that uses opposition extremism.

“The machinery currently occupies the territory, before the machinery only reached the electoral centers, now it reaches the communities and the streets (...) we have had a beautiful electoral campaign, today Chavism is deployed throughout the country,” he said.

Let's continue to add wills

He recalled the importance of promoting the vote in favor of the Revolution for those who were once members of the opposition and feel deceived by a leadership that sees politics as a business.

“Let us continue to join forces, so that this country remains in peace,” he said, while denouncing the persecution that opposition extremism has unleashed against political leaders who identified themselves with the opposition and who decided to join the option of the Bolivarian Revolution.

“Welcome everyone who wants to come, the doors are open,” he said and noted that in addition to those who made the public pronouncement, there are others who have decided not to do so in the face of the threats that exist.

“Not only are they those who spoke out, several are out there who want to do it, but the threats are very strong; they mark their houses, they threaten the family, it's pure fascism,” he said.

On Sunday, Nicolas wins!

Finally, he confirmed his conviction in a sure victory for the candidate of the Bolivarian Revolution and revealed that this outcome is clear to the national and international enemies of the Government of President Nicolás Maduro.

On July 28, Nicolás wins and they know that to the rocks, imperialism knows it, they know it in the European Union, the Venezuelan opposition knows it, the patarucos know it, the sayona and her fears know it, on July 28, Maduro wins, and with Maduro, Chávez wins and the people win,” he said.

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