

Diosdado Cabello: The Right Lives on Propaganda and the Show

PSUV press conference
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 29/04/2024 02:15 PM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSVU), Diosdado Cabello Rodón, during the usual press of the red awning, assured that the right wing lives on propaganda and entertainment.

The comment of the leader of the red awning responds to statements made by representatives of the opposition regarding alleged political persecution in connection with disqualifications for corruption.

In this regard, Cabello pointed out that “that is the root of fascism, they would not want the comptroller's office”, while recalling that in Miranda state there were multiple fences showing the former mayor of Sucre (Carlos Ocariz) as the “fourth best mayor in the world. A lie! You were getting into Petare and in the worst conditions...; they live on propaganda, on the show.”

He pointed out that the red awning supports the measures taken by the Comptroller's Office in the fight against corruption and recalled that representatives of the PSUV have also been sanctioned. “We have denounced corruption when it came up on our side and we attacked it; the right doesn't, the right doesn't say anything because the payments come from here to Miami and Spain.”

He specified that the demand of the Government Party not only leads to disqualifications, but they ask that they be accompanied by the exercise of criminal justice, since “that money belongs to Venezuelans, that money is not theirs.”

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