

Diosdado Cabello: The opposition is trying to capture “lukewarm” members of Chavism

Diosdado Cabello, first vice-president of the PSUV
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 24/01/2024 10:16 PM

Diosdado Cabello, first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, during his program Con El Mazo Dando, warned that the calls for “consultation”, “consensus” and “dialogue” made by leaders opposing the Chavista People are part of a strategy aimed at the weak and lukewarm to try to incorporate them into their political project.

“The lukewarm people adopt this discourse and begin to speak, in those same terms, saying that the crisis is resolved with dialogue and consultation, fly with that! I'll tell you today, January 24, and write down the date I know why I'm telling you,” he warned.

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