

Diosdado Cabello swears in UPPAZ in Monagas (+photos)

More than a thousand communities from the entity participated in the conference
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 24/02/2024 12:26 PM

This Saturday, February 24, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, swore in the Popular Units for Peace (UPPAZ) of the Monagas state.

In his words, he asserted that “what terrifies Patria sells the most and puts them to run is when he sees the organized people (...) If you cross the line and try to destabilize, conspire again as they did in the guarimbas, we're going to look for you, we're going to find you, and we're not going to allow the country to lose one of the things it loves most: peace.”

“When they come with their violence to try to take peace from our people, there will be the UPPAZ with the Bolivarian Fury for the defense of the Homeland,” said Cabello.

Before the more than 30,000 members of the Popular Units for Peace (UPPAZ) of the Monagas state, the leader of the red awning pointed out the important work that this mechanism of organizing the People must do to face any plan of destabilization against the country.

He specified that close coordination and cooperation between the organized people, the Bolivarian National Armed Forces and the country's police force are important for the defense of the stability and tranquility of the entire Venezuelan territory. “This Civic-Military-Police Union is the key to advancing peace,” he emphasized to the more than 30,000 members of 1,416 UPPAZ from Monaguense, who he also urged to create groups that are ready to mobilize to other entities if so required.

He also invited motorcyclists to be alert because the right wing is using them to put them as cannon fodder, “because the motorized people who are here are Chavistas, revolutionaries. The right wing contacts them and offers to pay them to be used as cannon fodder and to generate violence against the rest of the population.”

He urged motorcyclists not to fall into that trap, “because tomorrow no one will defend them, they are being paid a pittance from those they steal, and they are going to leave them alone.”

Cabello concluded by recalling that “being Venezuelans forces us to defend the Homeland and the fundamental reason to defend the Homeland is to love it, is that we have a feeling for it, that we don't care about anything else.”

He stressed that “there will be no guarimbas here, no sanctions. This country is going to be kept at peace whether the opposition wants it or not. Imperialism knows that with the People of Venezuela they will not be able to.”

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