

Diosdado Cabello on the far right: They are liars ex officio

First Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela Diosdado Cabello
Con El Mazo Dando Photo

Published at: 30/04/2024 06:09 AM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, highlighted this Tuesday that the Venezuelan extreme right is a liar ex officio, recalling that five years have passed since the failed coup d'etat of April 30, 2019.

“Those people who came here that day to tell the world from here: 'We have taken La Carlota'; have we taken La Carlota? They are liars by profession, they never got to drink La Carlota. Never. They stayed up here and from up here they called the People of Venezuela. Remember the desperate call of these people: 'Let's all go, today it's our turn, today Venezuela is rising, '” said Cabello.

In addition, from the distributor La Carlota de Altamira, in Caracas, he recalled that all the pseudo-leaders of the opposition were in that adventure.

“Everyone came here to take their picture and they hugged each other, they found each other again in the hatred they feel, (...) they took their picture, posed, some came from the restaurants in the bars of Las Mercedes and showed up here wearing the same clothes,” he recalled.

He pointed out the height with which the People of Venezuela and their Head of State acted to defeat that attempt. “Everyone fulfilled the role for which fate had entrusted them, our brother President Nicolás Maduro managing all operations personally (...) we refuse to do what any country in the world would have done, we deny what any president of the world would have ordered, we refuse to do what any people in the world with the conscience of the People of Venezuela would have done, such as attacking and bombing this place where there were weapons, equipment, ammunition and those who directed this terrible adventure against our people,” he said.

He stressed that adventures such as the one tried by the right wing five years ago, “would not have happened, if the ghost of betrayal had not lent itself to it”.

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