

Diosdado Cabello: I don't accept anyone who speaks ill of my country

“What moral does this guy (Boric) have for coming to speak ill of Venezuela,” Cabello emphasized
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 26/06/2024 10:37 PM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, emphasized that under no circumstance or argument does it accept that anyone speaks ill of the Fatherland.

“Even if you're right, I don't accept it. Our Homeland must be respected. In this regard, I am totally intransigent,” he stressed.

The approach was made by Cabello, when he dismissed the publication of the Contrapunto portal, which reviewed his opinion on some presidents of the region, such as Javier Milei and Gabriel Boric, whom this right-wing portal describes as “leaders”.

“They will be your leaders Counterpoint, they are not mine, they are fakers who have been put there by the accidents of history. Who is Boric going to be the leader of?” , he noted.

In this regard, Cabello, on his show Con el Mazo Dand o, broadcast number 482, commented that in Chile “they even made a statement because I offended their president (...) He meddles in the affairs of Venezuela.”

“You can call it whatever you call it, but if you mess with Venezuela I'm going to respond to you wherever you are, I don't care, whoever you are,” he emphasized.

He also stressed that “it's not me who calls Boric a fool, his countrymen call him a fool and a whale, because he's a fool”.

“I'm not insulting anyone. They mess with Venezuela and I respond to them as a Venezuelan and as a patriot because I love my country,” he stressed.

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