

Diosdado Cabello: Hope is on the street and not for anyone (+photos)

First Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela Diosdado Cabello
Con El Mazo Dando Photo

Published at: 06/06/2024 04:23 PM

Ahead of the elections on July 28, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, assured this Wednesday that hope is in the streets all over the country with Chavism mobilized as in the days of Commander Hugo Chávez.

“ I've been seeing faces, seeing faces, receiving hugs from people for 25 years, and right now there's a fervor like in the days of our Commander, an overwhelming love, a passion (...) that's the way hope is, hope is on the street and not for anyone,” Cabello emphasized during his show With the Mazo Dando No. 479.

He reaffirmed that this hope is the same as it is and that it has been a nation in Venezuela since the arrival of the Commander. At the same time, he recalled that with the Revolution, the demands for the People in the area of housing, education and social assistance began; and for that reason imperialism began its attacks against the Homeland.

“They said no, that's not good, the world is going to find out what's happening in Venezuela (...) houses were being built for the People and they said no, that's a bad example, and the sanctions and blockades came (...) here the People were given an opportunity and that's not supported by the right,” he said, also referring to the 100 universities created by the Commander and President Nicolás Maduro.

He condemned that sectors of the Venezuelan opposition were also the promoters of sanctions and blockades against the country. “Until attempted invasions, they asked against their own country, to our brothers in the Armed Forces who haven't told them, to insults, they have even messed with their families,” he said.

In this regard, he specified that despite all the attacks, the Bolivarian Revolution works together with the People to move the Homeland forward. “The country is growing, controlling inflation, controlling the currency and what we are doing is up and running (...) Today we rise up with our own efforts and we don't owe anything to anyone. This People is a survivor of imperialism's attacks against a People,” he said.

In addition, he ratified that only with the Revolution is peace guaranteed in the country. “We do love this land, we love the land where we were born (...) we love it with our soul and heart and we are not going to give it to anyone (...) peace and tranquility in this country is guaranteed by the Bolivarian Revolution, he said.

Pueblo and FANB together in perfect unity

Cabello assured that one of the greatest strengths of the Bolivarian Revolution is the perfect union of the People and the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) thanks to Commander Chávez.

“The strength of the Bolivarian Revolution lies in the civic-military unity that Commander Chávez bequeathed to all Venezuelans,” he stressed, referring to the fact that the extreme right does not conceive of military and civilians living together and working for the common good of the people.

He recalled that after the events of April 11, 12 and 13, 2002, “People and the Armed Forces came together to never separate again, they (the right) know it.”

On 28J we are going to beat them

The deputy to the National Assembly also warned that the Venezuelan right wing is preparing the fraud file for the next elections on July 28, because the People and the Revolution are going to beat them.

“We know where we are going, who we are facing, we know what we have to do and we are doing it and on the 28th we are going to beat them, have no doubt, and there they are not going to scream, well they can scream they have the right to do it, but there they are not going to change anything,” he said.

He assured that, unlike the opposition sectors, President Maduro does have a government plan. “The patarucos didn't give anything, none of them have a government plan, the only one who delivered a government plan was Nicolás Maduro, our candidate, the candidate of the Revolution and the candidate of love for the Fatherland.”

He reiterated that the Venezuelan right wing, just as the Mexican right is doing right now, is dusting up the file of fraud and violence because it has no votes. “They have a plan of attack against their own country (...) they are not going to recognize the results of the CNE (National Electoral Council), their plan is not electoral (...) She knows (María Corina) that we are going to beat them, that Nicolás is going to beat them and pass over the nine patarucos, their scenario is that of aggression against their country, but we are not going to give her a chance,” he said.

He emphasized that while the opposition is in its plans to retry to fuel violence in the country, the revolutionary forces are organizing their 1x10 machinery to win a new victory for the Revolution.

“If those who say that 28J will take over the Miraflores Palace, regardless of the results, are declaring war. Well, we remind them that every time they have gone to a war against Chavism, they lose it and they will lose it again,” he said.

What is happening in Palestine is painful

The revolutionary leader expressed the great pain he feels for the massacre that is taking place today against the People of Palestine, at the hands of imperialism and the Zionist State of Israel.

“Palestine is being massacred, the Palestinian people are being victims of a genocide committed by the Zionist government of Israel and no one says anything, it hurts to see the images, they are very painful images,” he said.

He condemned the fact that in this genocide he was ending the lives of children, “who are not to blame for anything and are killed by these miserable people (...) Israel, the United States, the European Union murderers, murderers of children”.

In addition, he rejected international organizations keeping silent and, on the contrary, they fit to give their opinion on the subject, but they do nothing.

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