

Diosdado Cabello: A revolutionary movement must be on the offensive

It is essential to carry out, in the Bolivarian Revolution, “a constant and permanent review,” said Cabello
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 27/03/2024 10:04 PM

A revolutionary movement must always remain on the offensive, as stated by the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello.

“We must always stay on the offensive, a revolutionary movement cannot be on the defensive. It could be there momentarily,” he said.

In that direction, he recalled that “we were on the defensive when we lost the 2015 elections (National Assembly), more or less, three months. After we lost those elections, we locked ourselves in and started reviewing, but then we went on the counterattack.”

He argued that it is essential to carry out in the Bolivarian Revolution, “a constant and permanent review that allows us to improve, to correct, to overcome obstacles, potholes”.

In his Con El Mazo Dando program, broadcast number 470, he stressed that “we don't stay in the counterattack all our lives, that way you never win a battle”.

“We went on the offensive once and we are on the offensive, they (opponents) don't know where the crocorronazos come from. We always surprise them,” he said.

As for the moves or supposed strategies of the extremist opposition sector, Cabello stressed that they are not effective, such as trying to place the opposition Corina Yoris as a candidate. “What happened? They ate it themselves, among them they ate it,” he said.

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