Desperate! Learn about La Sayona's plan to create an attack against Inmundo González

Cooperative Patriot reveals La Sayo's plans Cooperative Patriot reveals La Sayo's plans
Cooperative Patriot reveals La Sayo's plans
Courtesy Internet

Con El Mazo Dando 11 años

Published at: 04/09/2024 09:38 PM

National Mall - September 4, 2024.

Location: Under a mango tree diagonally from the Lincoln Memorial

Hello Minister Cabello. How are you my friend Furrialeaño?.
Here I am, still drunk from the Labor Day holiday. By the way, do you give my colleagues from the Mazo days off, vacations or something like that? , I'm thinking of sending them my private jet to bring them to Disneyworld for about 15 days, so they know something other than Bimbolandia Park where you always send them.

Brother, I'm sitting around trying to understand the indefinition of gringos, one day they go forward and another day they go backwards. The Biden administration, according to our friend La Charlotte (greet her please), is having a hard time defining the path to follow with the Venezuela issue due to the high pressures they receive every day from the different lobbies. On the one hand, the oil 'lobby' wants to continue working with Nicolás Maduro because it is the only one that assures them stability, and on the other hand, the Cuban-American lobbies, where the lobby of the extreme Venezuelan opposition is camouflaged, demand to reimpose sanctions on our country.

Bro! this is not new, we have been warning about it for months. Finally, it is economic groups and geopolitical interests that define the course of power in the United States. Three billion dollars is one of the many reasons why Mr. Biden insists on taking things a little more calmly and cautiously than the extremists want. Diosdado, anyone who wants to know more about this figure, can ask Mr. La Rosa de Chevron what this represents.

Those who are more dead than an island surrounded by water, as the poet Rosales would say, are the so-called Lima group republished in a comic version. These crackpots are off the Biden administration's radar for the Venezuela issue. Our friend La Charlotte tells me that in private meetings where she has had access, American officials have confirmed that they prefer to advance a political solution for Venezuela working together with Mexico, Brazil and Colombia, that is, they do not want these lackeys to be stupid.

Brother, as Hugo Rafael would say, for now! , the White House has rejected the initiative promoted by Republican Senator Rick Scott to impose a new oil embargo on Venezuela. The initiative has not been well received because, according to the gringo government's own analysts, the imposition of more sanctions on the oil sector is a failed practice that would have no positive effect and that, on the contrary, would aggravate the economic crisis in Venezuela and increase migration.

However, the lobbies of María Corina, alias the “Mata Niños” and Inmundo González, alias “the stepping stone”, are trying to convince the gringos that President Nicolás Maduro is now about to fall, that only a little push is needed and that this push consists of closing off any income or oxygen that may come through oil and other state companies. Brother, definitely for this extremist and stateless opposition, the suffering of the Venezuelan people is synonymous with “progress” in their supposed epic struggle of good against evil, they really are sick people.

Speaking of sick people, the Biden administration is making progress in applying a round of personal sanctions, but I want to clarify that if they did so they would do it to look good in the face of public opinion in the midst of the political pressure that is typical of the electoral environment in the United States, they would do it as a kind of damage control to prevent attacks against Kamala Harris.
The only thing certain about this story is that the Biden government will soon say goodbye to power, while our president Nicolás Maduro will continue to govern in Miraflores.


Bro... a colleague who works very close to Inmundo González, and is in charge of taking all his daily requirements to the residence where he is in a well-known opposition municipality in Caracas, where I send you the last location through WeChat, she told me that Inmundo's daughters are calling on their father to leave the country in order to open a political game, but being safe, that is, this living family wants to continue their show as “the presidential family” but from abroad.

Inmundo's daughters have warned their father that the government is not playing carts, and that many of those who today incite him to continue ignoring public authorities and State institutions are the first to flee when they see the trucks of the Tun-Tun operation approaching, under this excuse, the Inmundo González family to take him out of the country.

Meanwhile, María Corina, seeing the international uproar caused by the arrest warrant against Inmundo González, came up with the great idea of turning him into a martyr so that she can collect him politically, so I warn you: Brother! , be careful with the life of Inmundo González, because there is a plan in place to attempt his life in an alleged SEBIN capture, this would be a false positive to reinforce María Corina's plan, which is to get the ICC to convict Nicolás Maduro and finish forcing a tougher condemnation from the international community.


At the same time, leaders of the Unitary Platform continue to express their concern about the lack of a strategy and political direction on the part of María Corina Machado. In Justice First, A New Time and Democratic Action, there are profound differences as to how one should move forward. They claim that one cannot rely exclusively on the international community because the Government of Nicolás Maduro has endured, faced and overcome all the attacks that have been attempted from outside.

Some PUPU leaders have expressed the need for negotiation with the Government, which translated into Spanish means that they recognize that there will be no change of government in the coming weeks, nor in the coming months, much less on January 10, 2025. Opposition parties understand that starting in 2025 there will be a call for general elections and they will seek their survival.
For this reason, the deafening silence of the PUPU can be heard, which until now has been publicly limited to statements of condemnation, but they are not calling for protests, or calling for ignorance, uprising or rebellion against the legitimate authorities of Venezuela.


! , what I never thought I would see, has happened. Rafael Ramírez, according to the Chavista dojo dojito, is publishing his articles in Miguel Enrique Otero's Nacional. Izarra's communication lobby against Ramírez with the extreme right has been very efficient, although bad tongues say that Otero and Ramírez share the friendship of a former Venezuelan soldier. The truth is that every day the society that exists between these so-called dissident Chavistas and the extreme opposition is becoming more evident. Supposed Chavista dissidents are having a hard time wanting to be accepted by the opposition and to have their sins washed away, because at the end of the day, they are corrupt people who seek the fall and Nicolas Maduro in exchange for the opposition's forgiveness, pain and disgust.


! What a stir has been unleashed after the arrest of a US soldier in Venezuela. A few months ago, we alerted our deck viewers to the plans of extremist groups that will try to infiltrate Venezuela to attack President Nicolás Maduro and other Chavism leaders, all with the intention of collecting the famous reward offered by the United States government.

The striking thing about the matter is that the White House this morning reveals that they are in communication with the Venezuelan authorities, that is, my friend Furrialeño, are you talking to the gringos face to face, and you haven't told us?

No wonder La Charlotte went with Kamala on her tour this weekend, if you're already talking directly to the White House. In the same way, in these next few hours I will contact La Charlotte to give me all the details, I don't know why, but I have the impression that behind this gringo soldier there is a good story.

I'm still working from Washington, remember that I am your fitness friend, fine and important. CHANGE AND OUT!