Desperate! La Sayo tries to revive the commandments of terror to generate violence

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Published at: 28/08/2024 09:10 PM
August 28, 2024
Place: Hidden with Cori waiting for you to come and get us but you're acting crazy.
Patriota del Valle Arriba Country Club
Hello Gordooooooooooo! , Chubby, how are you? , I am happier than Delsa Solorzano when she found out that Biagio Pileri was arrested, please! , and don't call me toxic Diosdado José, but yes, Delsa has never loved Biagio and although she will declare that she is in pain, she is actually jumping with emotion because she struggles to get all the attention of Cori, but hey, to our thing.
My mango jelly told you that I am super happy because now you are not only baby Gerber but the Super Minister, who is actually my gordis! you always have been because you never stopped answering for the country, for the people, for the revolution, for the government, only now you have the official gazette. My only regret is that you will no longer have time to come and visit us at the golf club where my friends had already accepted you despite being Chavista and Furrial, but hey, maybe we'll see you at the PSUV because my SifriChama bus is smarter than you think.
God, I decided to drink two bottles of champagne today because I can't stand Cori's screams. Chubby! Even though I gave Cori the moringa you sent me to drink, nothing! , there is no medicine or herb that can calm her down, bones! we lost her. Cori is furious and very frustrated by today's new failure, she says that the parties of the Unitary Platform did not help her to mobilize and she tearfully told me that everyone, from Barboza to Capriles, is in a conspiracy for the failure of her and my uncle the Unclean.
Cori has asked all journalists and their allies inside and outside the country, to justify the low call by saying that people are afraid to go out, but chubby, if that's true, why aren't there successful rallies abroad either? Over there is a video where my friends from Doral in Miami, say that the failure of their call was due to rain and because the Venezuelan is always late, that is, they don't mind getting to the point of putting Venezuelans wrong in order to justify themselves.
Speaking of the failure abroad, Cori is distrustful of David Smolansky because if he is in charge of the migrants, how is it that he is unable to organize and mobilize them after all the money that has been given to him and that he has collected in the name of the Venezuelan diaspora?
God or Joseph! You don't know the harm you did to Cori, the poor one feels discriminated against because Perkins Rochas and Biagio Pilleri left before her to the five-letter hotel, I repeat, Cori is in a hurry to be taken prisoner because her speech has run out, she has no more to say or offer, her road is over, she knows that in her current situation, prison would save her from the claim made to her by her followers and that the international community makes to whom she told her that Nico Maduro I was down.
God! , Cori wants to be like Crazy Leo or like Lorent Saleh who is a convicted and confessed criminal, but by saying that he was a prisoner of the “dictatorship aaaaaaaa”, then he gets paid more for his shows, that is, everything is a business.
My coconut nougat with condensed milk, Cori is alone. The influencers, not even because I offered to pay them twice as much, want to continue promoting Cori's failed rallies because they are exposed and lose from defrauding other clients, because how do you explain that Lele Pons has more than 53 million followers on Instagram and can't move even 50,000 people to a rally? , please!.
God! , listen to this fact, moving all those influencers to help us in the last call on August 17 cost more than 167 thousand dollars and you know that we lost them because Cori couldn't even fit 2,000 people. Anyway! I told Cori that because maybe people don't go to their rallies, it would be cheaper for us to pray the rosary or do an EnVivo with the artists who pamper themselves in Sabana Grande.
Diosdado José I am going with my toxicity. I'll write to you quickly because Cori went out to smoke and is about to enter, she really likes the view of the Rosal.
My chubby Furrialeño, the only thing left for Cori and all the members of the opposition that follow her, is the pressure and the international show, which is what she will dedicate herself to for the next two weeks. Cori asked José Amalio Graterol's louse to help her with the things Perkins Rochas was wearing, but that's not the most serious thing.
I tell you that I had a strong argument with Cori, I told him that it was a crime to receive money from Nayib Bukele or any foreign government, although I always have my doubts because God! , I don't know if that money really belongs to Bukele or the Colombian friends who traffic magic powders, but hey, I warned Cori that she could be prosecuted for accepting money from other countries, by the way, Magalli told me that the money they sent is to try to revive the motorized commandos and finance a guerrilla war, that is, money to try to generate more chaos and more violence, I'm not afraid because now you're the Diosdi Super Minister and we know that you'll be giving the fight so that doesn't happen.
Speaking of Magalli, I tell you that she's crazy, she's fighting with everyone, the confinement is very bad for her, by the way, the other day she sent me a picture of her hugging her husband, I don't understand what she wanted to tell me.
Diosdado José, listen to me! , I must alert all my friends about Chavism. It got in Cori's head to put pressure on compatriots who were members of the table to speak out against the government and against the election, to say that Nico Maduro lost, in return they will be offered money and amnesty in the supposed government of my uncle Inmundo. God! , I told Cori that this was crazy, that a real Chavista wouldn't do that, she told me that, if I couldn't do it organically, that is, with real Chavistas, then we would look for some impostors, please! , explain to me where you can search for false chavistas, unless you're talking about Izarra, Rafael Ramírez and others.
God or Joseph! this part is very ugly. I listened to Cori who was talking to people with a Colombian accent about a plan to try to pressure and instill fear in the families and relatives of the leaders of the PSUV and the government, of course! Since they can't break Nico Maduro, they want to go for the family side and the middle cadres. Cori's plan is to harass and humiliate, to pay to make public addresses, telephone numbers, places, and other aspects of the personal lives of those who live in the revolution, for that they will use communication platforms that operate from Chile, Mexico, Miami, Argentina, Spain, Panama and Costa Rica.
God or Joseph! , pending the loser of Almagro, Iván Duque, Javier Miley, the president of Panama and the vampire of Ledezma, they're cooking something, then I'll tell you.
I'm leaving you, Cori is screaming.
I write to you and I feel like in the movie Lady and the Wanderer, I'm a princess and you're a crab. Miss me, remember that you are my baby Fiufiu.