Desperate! Find out why the opposition is entangled (+TSJ)

Opponent María Corina Machado Opponent María Corina Machado
Opponent María Corina Machado
Internet photo

Con El Mazo Dando 11 años

Published at: 13/12/2023 09:16 PM

Maturín, December 13th, 2023

The Patriota VIP informs us:

My Dear Friend Diosdado, Christmas has arrived despite all the odds.

Brother, I am in Maturín waiting for you to arrive to see us at Furrial York, I brought good champagne, although they tell me that you only eat cardboard with lemon.

I never thought that writing a letter for the end of the year would stir up so many mixed feelings. I begin by sending my recognition to the Venezuelan people who continue to resist the perversity of a political sector in which I have unfortunately been active. The cards have become my way of compensating for so much evil and so much hatred towards our people.

I will miss writing to you these days, because as you said very well, the enemy never sleeps and always seeks any moment of weakness to attack. In 2024 we will come stronger because it will be a year of much conspiracy and political perversity, but we will win.

I wanted to be more emotional about the date and leave more space for people who don't miss the blows of the truth, but even at Christmas I must warn you five things:

1. 2024 is over and things at Vente Venezuela are still on the wrong track. Many Mazovists will think; what is the importance or power of María Corina that is always in our cards? , really none. My duty is to identify the destabilizing plans of this sector in which I operate, and the only reason she stars in most of my writing is because she is the most visible face of conspiracy and hatred against Venezuela, just as Leopoldo López or Juan Guaidó have been at the time. Our people can't go wrong, María Corina is a paper doll that survives on the oxygen of obscure oil, financial and geopolitical interests.

2. Mrs. Machado doesn't know what to do. The opposition entangled itself with its own strings. In 48 hours, the deadline for deciding whether to submit to the mechanism of applying to the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) for a review of the disqualification will expire. Her lobby in Washington, together with Republican senators, operates day and night to get the White House to cancel negotiations and restore relaxed sanctions using as an argument that the “regime” has not complied with the Barbados Agreement, but under this logic of not appearing before the Supreme Court, she would be the one who is not complying. So much so that they demanded and declared that the deadline for reeeeegimeennnnnn was November 30 and their tortilla was turned upside down.

3. Cruella De Vile. Far from what the world believes, Mrs. Machado plays the martyr, but in her circle of greatest trust, we know that the arrest warrants issued by the Venezuelan Attorney General's Office for the crimes committed by her team are a relief for Mrs. Machado, since many of her colleagues, with the exception of Pedro Urruchurtu, had become a thorn in her side. The principal, Henry Alviarez, who is in charge of raising funds for Mrs. Machado's tours by extorting money from businessmen and building bridges with Colombian drug trafficking. A few days before running to an embassy, he had a word with Magalli Meda (Mrs. Machado's campaign manager) because they demanded that she be held to account for the funds and her answer was: “that I wouldn't give anything, because if I managed to leave the country, he wouldn't be left fighting balls”. In front of the world, Mrs. Machado cries for her team, but in private she feels satisfied.

4. Guaido and the Ukrainians. While I'm enjoying cachaça here in Zamuro, from Miami my assistant sends me the details about Juan Guaidó's desperation to attract attention and get a conversation because the AN2015 boob is about to run out or diminish, so now he's friends with the Ukrainian deputy Maryan Zablotskyy, let you know this man's criminal record of war. I leave you the photo of the meeting where they agreed to set up a work team to cooperate in the fight for what they call “the restoration of freedom in Venezuela”.

5. A meltdown is coming in the Unitary Platform, Justice First and Leopoldo's reconciliation with Superlano. Then don't say I didn't warn you. Brother after Christmas put a magnifying glass on the people of Voluntad Popular, their plan is and will continue to be violence. Leopoldo is focused on defining logistics and money for what they have called “2024 the return to democratic struggle”, we know the script, many NGOs lending themselves to launder money.

Well, My Bro! , may God bless the Mazovists, the entire team that makes the program possible, thank you for allowing me to come to the country not always with good news, but rather exposing the plans of the extremist opposition.

Merry Christmas, happy new year, I hope you like the details that we have sent you with great love.

I'm ready to ski in the Furrial, I'm waiting for you.

Change and out.