

Deputy Soto: Dictators and squalids are cowards (+23 January 1958)

Great March of “January 23rd” Caracas
Photo: Courtesy

Published at: 23/01/2024 03:31 PM

During the Great March of “January 23rd”, deputy to the National Assembly, Fernando Soto, maintained that in January 1958 the People took to the streets, with Bolivarian flags, raising the figure of Bolivar and singing the National Anthem.

Soto, said that he is a survivor of January 23, 1958, “it was a long struggle, but at the end of 1956, the dictatorship began to break down, and on January 1, 1958, there was a military uprising here in Caracas, which failed to fully consolidate, but the situation continued and on January 21, 1958, a general strike began that lasted 48 hours, and in the early morning of January 23, 1958, the dictator left, because the dictators and the squatters are cowards.”

“The left-wing force didn't have the quality it should have (...). The fight continued until the Invincible Commander (Hugo Chávez) appeared on February 4 and the story was different,” he said.

The deputy stated that 25 years later the circumstances are different, “the enemy is the same, North American imperialism, but it is in decline.”

In that sense, Soto invited the Bolivarian Fury to continue working, because the victory of 2024 must be overwhelming.

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