

Deputy Minister William Castillo: Violent Opposition and the United States Fail to Comply with Agreements

“The Bolivarian Government is building Homeland, under lines of peace and with the electoral schedule,” said Castillo

Published at: 26/01/2024 10:27 PM

The Deputy Minister of Anti-Blockade Policies of Venezuela, William Castillo, stressed that the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, has always called for peace dialogue, “it is the violent opposition and the United States, who fail to comply with the agreements, we believe that dialogue is the way”.

This was stated by Castillo, in a telephone contact with Venezolana de Televisión, in which he assured that the country is in solid processes of progress and that despite the matrices of opinion promoted by sectors of the opposition, the Bolivarian Government is building a homeland, under lines of peace and with the electoral schedule, as established in the Barbados Agreement.

Regarding the mechanism carried out in Barbados, he indicated that the National Executive has fully complied with these agreements, compared to the opposition sectors that participated in the dialogue, who have repeatedly violated the signing of the document.

Castillo also referred to the decisions published by the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ), regarding disqualification authorizations and ratifications, which must be reviewed to find out why some of those involved were favored and others were not.

Regarding the divisions of the Venezuelan right, he pointed out that it is they (the oppositions) who must solve the problem and invited them to build a project.

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