

Deputy Julio Chávez: Maduro's candidacy guarantees the Bolivarian Revolution

Julio Chávez, member of the AN, in the Al Aire program

Published at: 25/03/2024 01:20 PM

During the Al Aire program broadcast by Venezolana de Televisión (VTV), the deputy to the National Assembly (AN), Julio Chávez, said that the candidacy of Nicolás Maduro represents the continuity of the Bolivarian Revolution.

“A candidacy has been registered that guarantees the revolutionary process and restores the levels of good living we had,” said Chávez.

In this regard, he extended the invitation to the Venezuelan people to accompany the candidate of the Bolivarian Revolution to register his candidacy with the Electoral Power. “In an act that will be full of color, patriotic love, it is a matter of giving continuity to this redemption project of Commander Hugo Chávez,” he added.

According to what was published on the Venezolana de Televisión (VTV) website, he affirmed that the Venezuelan people will demonstrate their courage, on July 28, by voting for a glorious story of how they have risen up in the face of so many aggressions and attacks.


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