

Deputy Infante: PDVSA-Cripto plot is a conspiracy to overthrow the Bolivarian Government

“The plan was to seize political power in Venezuela,” Infante said
AN Press

Published at: 09/05/2024 06:53 PM

The first vice-president of the National Assembly (AN), deputy Pedro Infante, assured that the PDVSA-Cripto corruption scheme is a great political conspiracy that aimed to overthrow the Constitutional Government of the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro.

Infante, who chairs the Special Commission to Investigate the Political Responsibilities of Those Involved in the PDVSA-Crypto Corruption Plot, said that the plan was to seize political power in Venezuela and hand over to North American imperialism the resources of the most important oil reserve in the world, according to a note from AN.

He asserted that this special commission is organizing a work plan and they plan to interview representatives of government agencies, such as the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV), the National Anti-Corruption Police (PNA), and even the Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab, to give greater order to the information.

“We have collected information by establishing work agendas, the research scheme, where the logic of the PDVSA-crypto framework sought to destroy the national economy, attack the currency, weaken the Venezuelan State, destroy institutions to declare a failed State,” Infante explained.

He stressed that the objective was to create conditions for the Venezuelan people to rise up, to produce a social outbreak and the overthrow of the legitimate government of the head of state.

He also commented that elements of conviction are appearing from the Venezuelan opposition and North American imperialism, where it is revealed that there was a conspiracy to organize a plot of political conspiracy based on corruption developed in the aforementioned plot.

He also mentioned that in this case there were media operators who extorted Venezuelan State officials and Venezuelan opposition actors, “this connected with the interim government, figures from the US government, the arbitrary arrest of Alex Saab and the sabotage of the fuel supply throughout the national territory.”

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