

Deputy Fariñas: Nicolás Maduro is the candidate of love for the Fatherland

Deputy to the AN, William Fariñas, during the Al Aire program

Published at: 26/03/2024 10:41 AM

During the program Al Aire, which broadcasts Venezolana de Televisión (VTV), the deputy to the National Assembly (AN), William Fariñas, highlighted that Nicolás Maduro Moros is the candidate of love for the Fatherland.


In this regard, he indicated that the current Venezuelan president represents unity as expressed by the Bolivarian ideal and the legacy of Commander Hugo Chávez and that is why there are political parties and social movements that support him.


“Of course, there is an electoral machine, no one can doubt that the PSUV and the patriotic parties have a machine to excite people,” he said, while highlighting the joy of the People in registering the candidacy of Head of State before the National Electoral Council (CNE).


On the other hand, he pointed out that the opposition, in the application process, there is a fragmentation of the opposition sector “as a result of ambivalence, they lost the sense of the homeland and of our people”.

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