

Deputy Cabello invites parliamentarians to take care of times and voids

Head of the faction for the Bloque de la Patria, deputy Diosdado Cabello
Photo: Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 06/12/2023 03:48 PM

The head of the faction for the Bloc de la Patria, deputy Diosdado Cabello, during the presentation of the draft Organic Law for the Defense of Guiana Esequiba, invited all parliamentarians to take care of times and voids.

Cabello, explained that the transitional provisions of the law establish that until elections are held in the state of Guayana Esequiba, in accordance with the Geneva Agreement and international law, the government and administration of the state will be exercised by a head of government, appointed by the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

He also explained that until the elections are held in the state of Guayana Esequiba for the Legislative Council, in accordance with the Geneva Agreement and international law, the legislative power of the state will be exercised by the National Assembly.

“If any state law is required, it will be in the National Assembly where it will be discussed,” Cabello said.

The third transitory provision establishes that until the territorial dispute is resolved with the Guyana Cooperative, the seat of the Public Authorities of the state of Guiana Esequiba, will be in Tumermo, Sifontes municipality, in the state of Bolívar.

In addition, until there are elections in the state of Guayana Esequiba, parliamentary representation in the National Assembly will be chosen in a national constituency in accordance with the rules issued by the National Electoral Council, that is, “we will have deputies from the state of Guayana Esequiba”.

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