

DELTA AMACURO - TUCUPITA/Delcy Rodríguez: We have to form a powerful steel shield in the defense of the Essequibo

March in support of President Nicolás Maduro in Delta Amacuro state
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 07/06/2024 04:32 PM

The Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, called this Friday to build a protective shield to defend Guiana Essequiba, in the face of multiple imperial actions that seek to strip the Fatherland of its historic territory.

From Delta Amacuro, during a massive mobilization in support of President Nicolás Maduro, Rodríguez expressed his joy at being in this state “so yearned for by empires”.

He recalled that, “in 1901, they had already committed the fraudulent and criminal award that stole the Essequibo from us, but Delta Amacuro was, is and will be Guiana, and the British imperialists wanted to steal Delta Amacuro as well, but that desire, that desire to put their imperial claws on Delta Amacuro has not ceased and today we have Exxon Mobil who wants to appropriate our Atlantic projection from the Delta,” he warned.

In this regard, he stressed that Venezuela is at stake, “its sovereignty, its self-determination, its independence, its freedom. This July 28, we are going with the defender of the Fatherland, a good, noble man, loyal to Venezuela,” he pointed out in reference to President Maduro, so he called on El Pueblo to guarantee a resounding victory on 28J.

“Let them know that here in these towns the indomitable blood of our indigenous peoples who defeated the colonialists flows, that in our veins runs the blood of our liberators and this territory was not inherited by Simon Bolivar (...) It's up to us to form a powerful steel shield in the defense of the Essequibo, the Essequibo is from Venezuela,” he emphasized.

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