

Delcy Rodríguez: We are ready to win for Venezuela

Installation of the Venezuela Nuestra Campaign Command from the Waraira Repano
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 16/05/2024 07:41 PM

Delcy Rodríguez, Executive Vice President of the Republic, assured that “we are ready, in national union, to win for Venezuela.” This was stated this Thursday, May 16 during the installation ceremony of the Venezuela Nuestra Campaign Command ahead of the presidential election on July 28.

“There are two fundamental axes of the campaign. First, the program, what the opposition does not have, but that Nicolás Maduro, when he registered his candidacy, did so by presenting the Plan for the Homeland of the, the new era of transition of socialism that was developed by our people, is a national project and collects opinions on a national scale,” he explained.

Rodriguez noted that “the second characteristic of this campaign is international relations. We are facing the US candidate and his hegemonic model that will be defeated on July 28.”

He specified that on July 28, the hegemonic, decadent, warrior and destructive empire of the United States will be defeated and that is why Venezuela becomes an example for the world.

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