

Delcy Rodríguez: Venezuela will never kneel before imperialism

Delcy Rodríguez, Executive Vice President of the Republic
Photo; Internet

Published at: 30/01/2024 11:52 AM

Venezuela will never kneel before imperialism or any other foreign power that seeks to subdue our self-determination and sovereignty, said the Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez.

“Sovereign, anti-capitalist Venezuela will always be a voice of reference in the free world and that is why we are a country that is in line with those who build a multicentric and multipolar world,” he said, while stressing that it is our country's right to independence and self-determination.

In this regard, during a telephone contact with an assembly held in La Guaira for the discussion of line number 2 of the 7T, Rodríguez called on the Venezuelan to raise his voice in defense of the People to tell those who ask for sanctions and aggressions “will never happen again”.

In the same way, the vice-president also asked the People's Power to continue to deepen the discussion in defense of Venezuela and its independence. “Independence is a process that is built and defended day by day,” he stressed.

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