

Delcy Rodríguez: Venezuela gives the example that it can be independent of US mandates

According to the Executive Vice President, it has been hard work because the blockade generated “social wounds in health, education, food”

Published at: 16/09/2024 01:58 PM

The Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, highlighted the capacity of the People to resist the economic war promoted by the United States (USA) and its allies against the nation.

In an interview for the program “Conversing with Correa”, hosted by former Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa and broadcast on RT, Rodríguez specified that, despite losses close to 642 billion dollars, Venezuela is “standing up setting an example that yes you can be independent of the offices of Washington, that you can preserve the sovereignty of a country, with dignity and with historical morality”.

He indicated that “Venezuela is marking a historic milestone (...) What the Venezuelan people have done is a true miracle, the accumulated sacrifice of the country's workers.”

According to the Executive Vice President, it has been hard work because the blockade generated “social wounds in health, education, food”, despite this, the Latin American nation is making headway in economic recovery and strengthening productive activities.

He said that the foreign policy of the United States and its main instrument is to implement “illegal sanctions and economic war” on countries that do not align with their interests, tools that translate into “crimes against humanity”, because they are aimed at all people and that is “massive violation of human rights ”.

Rodríguez recalled that there are at least 30 countries under illegal sanctions; such as Russia, which has 15,000 coercive measures. Meanwhile, Venezuela reached 10 years of economic blockade, a situation that caused significant losses, but it was emphasized that President Nicolás Maduro knew how to face these adversities through various social programs.

He said that Venezuelan territory has 5.48% times more oil reserves than North America, so he reiterated the intentions of the United States and the United Kingdom to seize part of the territories where there are significant natural riches.

“There is a new world under construction” on the map of global geopolitics, Rodríguez said, highlighting a “new counterweight block to the dollar.”

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