

Delcy Rodríguez to the US: If they take the wrong step... any cooperation mechanism would be reviewed

Executive Vice President, Delcy Rodríguez

Published at: 30/01/2024 04:30 PM

The Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, warned the United States Government on Tuesday that the country will take reciprocal measures to materialize the State Department 's threats regarding unilateral coercive measures against the national energy industry.

In this regard, he stated that “all of Venezuela rejects the rude and undue blackmail and ultimatum expressed by the US government. If they take the wrong step of intensifying economic aggression against Venezuela, at the request of the extremist lackeys in the country.”

He stressed that “as of February 13, repatriation flights for Venezuelan migrants would be immediately revoked , and any existing cooperation mechanism would be reviewed as a countermeasure against the deliberate attempt to hit the Venezuelan oil and gas industry.”

The Executive Vice President emphasized that “Venezuela, inspired by its glory and historic dignity, will continue its efforts to recover the Venezuelan economy with its own efforts in national union.”

The announcement made by the White House, through the spokesperson of the State Department, Matthew Miller, indicates that the Government of the North American nation will not renew License 43, arguing the alleged violation of the Barbados Agreement signed with the extremist sector of the Venezuelan opposition.

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