

Delcy Rodríguez: The whole Patria Grande, it can be said that it has been thanks to our identity

Executive Vice President, Delcy Rodríguez

Published at: 08/02/2024 06:05 PM

During a meeting with scholars and historians to discuss the second line of transformation promoted by the Executive, Full Independence, the Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, highlighted this Thursday the importance of cultural transformation for emancipatory processes in the region.

“Cultural transformation is what has allowed, when we went to liberate New Granada, our Venezuelan compatriots, barefoot, without clothes, to cross the Pisba paramo, which allowed the Admirable Campaign to join our independence process, and then we went to the Southern Campaign to liberate Ecuador, Peru, the Great Homeland, it can all be said that it was thanks to our identity,” he said Rodriguez.

From the National Art Gallery, the Vice President stressed that “there is essence in our identity, our anti-imperialist identity, which in some way is a protective shield against the great cultural machineries of the West and of the hegemonic countries to trample for, to overwhelm our original culture”.

He also exalted the persevering culture of the Liberation and Anti-Imperialist Army, which “was stopped by nothing in its historic objective of freedom, of independence from the colonial powers and our father of Libertador Simón Bolívar ”.

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