Delcy Rodríguez: The Venezuelan people will never allow themselves to be given orders from another country

Booklet signing day to demand the lifting of the sanctions imposed by the United States (USA) Booklet signing day to demand the lifting of the sanctions imposed by the United States (USA)
Booklet signing day to demand the lifting of the sanctions imposed by the United States (USA)
Vice-Presidency Press

Con El Mazo Dando 11 años

Published at: 16/05/2024 02:06 PM

The Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, highlighted this Thursday the greatness of the revolutionary people, who remain firm and resistant to the multiple aggressions of North American imperialism and the national extreme right.

During a day, together with the working class, of signing booklets to demand the lifting of the sanctions imposed by the United States (USA), held in Caracas, Rodríguez stated that the Venezuelan people are anti-imperialist and “will never allow themselves to be given orders from another country, from another government, from other powers. The Venezuelan people know that the decision lies in popular sovereignty, in the will of the Venezuelan people.”

In this regard, he pointed out that the United States and its lackeys “have not understood that we are fighting for our material wealth, yes, but we are also fighting for our history, so we inherited from (El Libertador Simon) Bolívar, that great political, ideological and historical baggage that we inherited from Bolivar.”

“We fight to defend the glories of our Liberating Father, who gave freedom to the Great Homeland, not just to Venezuela; and we are in that battle today precisely. We support President Nicolás Maduro because we know that he is the president of the people of Venezuela, that he is the president of the workers, of the workers, who has not burst into tears, just as the Venezuelan people never started to cry or feel defeated,” emphasized the Executive Vice President.

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