

Delcy Rodríguez: The economic war against Venezuela began a week after Maduro was elected

Delcy Rodríguez, Executive Vice President of the Republic
Photo: Presidential Press

Published at: 07/02/2024 04:55 PM

The economic war against Venezuela began in 2014 the week that Nicolás Maduro was elected president of the Republic for the first time, said the vice-president, Delcy Rodríguez.

“We know that the economic war began one week after President Maduro was elected. At that time, the risk rating agencies began to downgrade Venezuela, a process of closing international financial markets began, we didn't understand it until the economic war definitely took on all its dimensions and the financial, commercial and economic suffocation was tremendous,” said Rodríguez during his participation in the seventh episode of the Maduro Podcast.

On the other hand, the vice-president stressed that the Head of State was the main articulator of the OPEC+ agreement to prevent oil from continuing to be used as a geopolitical weapon. In this regard, he recalled how in 2015 the president toured more than 11 countries to bring together the world's major oil producers.

“In 2014, the war against oil began to lower Venezuela's revenues. The objective of the war against OPEC and oil was Venezuela. So we went on a tour of 11 countries to try to build what we achieved at the end of 2015, a broad alliance between OPEC and non-OPEC oil producers that is now called OPEC plus, that was the original Venezuelan design,” recalled the Head of State in his Podcast.

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