

Delcy Rodríguez on President Maduro: Dealing with a blocked economy isn't anything

Executive Vice President, Delcy Rodríguez
Vice-Presidency Press

Published at: 10/05/2024 04:17 PM

The Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, praised this Friday the work of the head of state, Nicolás Maduro, in implementing policies to recover the country's economy in the midst of the criminal blockade imposed by the United States (USA).

“Having to deal with a blocked economy isn't anything, they don't teach it in universities,” said the Executive Vice President during her participation in the National Council for Productive Economy Chapter Bolivar.

He pointed out that it is a chair that was proposed to “the rector of the Central University of Venezuela, we have graduates from the Observatory against unilateral coercive measures, but in no faculty, in any university, not only in Venezuela, in the world do they teach how to deal with a blocked economy, when today more than 33 countries on the planet are blocked and which represent 48% of the world's population.”

Rodríguez showed the results of the Bolivarian Government's economic plan. “The numbers (...) have given reason to a program that was scientifically designed, which means that we were not wrong as a government, but that the Venezuelan people were not wrong either, because the Venezuelan people did their best to make this program a reality today and we can say that Venezuela has 11 consecutive quarters of economic growth.”

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