

Delcy Rodríguez on imperial provocations: “The Venezuelan people know how to respond” (+23E)

March of January 23 in rejection of the coup, terrorism, violence and in favor of peace

Published at: 23/01/2024 12:11 PM

The Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, exalted this Tuesday the strength of the People in the defense of the sovereignty and peace of the Fatherland, 66 years after the overthrow of the dictatorship of Marcos Pérez Jiménez, on January 23, 1958.

During his participation in the march in rejection of the coup, terrorism, violence and in favor of peace, Rodríguez stated that “the Bolivarian Fury, the fury of the Venezuelan people, refers to what it is to defend the integrity of sovereignty against the pretensions of national and international powers.”

He stressed that “the Venezuelan people know how to respond” to right-wing provocations. “We are going to defend Venezuela, we are going to defend tranquility, the People want peace, the People want tranquility, they want to be able to develop, they want, as President (Nicolás Maduro) said, to march towards 2030 in the seven transformations in economic and social tranquility, to consolidate a model of inclusion and social justice, spirituality and the defense of Venezuela,” he emphasized.

The senior official of the Bolivarian Government pointed out that this day “we are celebrating, not only the 66 years since the fall of the dictatorship, we are also celebrating that we have defeated the intention of the United States government to set up an artificial government in Venezuela, to steal from Venezuela, to prevent its development, to undermine its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Today is a day of celebration and the Venezuelan people are in the streets celebrating,” he said.

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