

Delcy Rodríguez: Imperialism intends to govern our country through licenses

Delcy Rodríguez, Executive Vice President of the Republic
Photo; Internet

Published at: 18/04/2024 01:21 PM

The sanctions imposed by imperialism on our country demonstrate the fascist concept that governs the United States, which, through the blackmail of licenses, seeks to govern Venezuela, said the Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez.

“They intend to govern Venezuela by trying to say which company can or cannot invest in our country. This blackmail is outrageous, but it makes us laugh because it shows the level of immorality of that government that thinks that this people can surrender or kneel down for licenses,” Rodríguez emphasized during his participation in the Meeting for a World Social Alternative.

In the same way, he recalled how the United States used the fugitive from justice, Juan Guiadó to steal our country's resources. “It was a strategy for the embezzlement of the resources of the Venezuelan people and that was accompanied by these policies of unilateral coercive measures,” he stressed while emphasizing that in Venezuela it is the people who govern.

In this regard, he stressed that with these actions imperialism ignores our history and the combative nature of the People who, despite the blockade, continue to work to achieve national development. “This people are not stopped by rude, savage and barbaric empires,” he stressed.

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