

Delcy Rodríguez congratulates the FANB on its day: Always at the service of the free homeland

Bolivarian National Armed Forces Day (FANB)

Published at: 05/07/2024 01:52 PM

The Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, congratulated the members of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) this Friday, highlighting their service in defense of the Homeland.

“Day of the glorious Bolivarian National Armed Forces. Hombres y Mujeres inherit @s from the greatness of the liberating army that fought to emancipate us from the Spanish yoke. Our greetings and recognition to all the members of the FANB, always at the service of the Free Homeland,” Rodríguez said through his account on the social network X.

This July 5 is the day of the Venezuelan FANB, in homage to the independence struggle of the Liberator Simon Bolivar, a celebration that is framed in the memory of July 5, 1811, when representatives of the country's provinces came together to end the prevailing political process and break with the Spanish monarchy, thus signing the act of Declaration of Independence of the nation.

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