

Defense Minister commemorated 35 years of the “Caracazo”

The statement was published in the X account of the Minister of Defense

Published at: 27/02/2024 09:33 AM

The Minister of People's Power for Defense, G/J Vladimir Padrino López, in order to commemorate the events that occurred on February 27, 1989, published an official statement on his account on the social network X.

The letter highlights that that day a “popular rebellion full of indignation and weariness that awakened in the conscience of the heirs of Father Liberator, the urgent need for radical political transformation in Venezuela”.

Below is the full text of the statement:

If there is one fact in the contemporary history of our country that redefined its course, it was precisely “El Caracazo” of February 27, 1989. A social tidal wave that represented the strongest repudiation of neoliberalism and the neocolonial formulas that condemned the Venezuelan people to hunger, poverty and exclusion. A popular rebellion filled with indignation and weariness that awakened in the conscience of the heirs of Father Liberator, the urgent need for radical political transformation in Venezuela.
Unfortunately, this event was bloodied by the felony of a cipayo, pro-imperialist and reactionary government, which, using disproportionate public force, ordered the execution of a criminal, malevolent and irresponsible operation against the most vulnerable and dispossessed sectors, victims of the Leonine economic measures imposed by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Hundreds of dead, persecuted and disappeared were the fateful result of this brutal repression, which included the acquiescence and complicit silence of the “representative democracy” daughter of Puntofixism.
Fortunately, with the arrival of the Bolivarian Revolution, a new FANB began to be forged; vindicated in its popular, revolutionary, anti-oligarchic and anti-imperialist character; also guided by precepts of social justice, solidarity and humanism; merged with the people to protect their most sacred interests, constitutional rights and social conquests. Hence, my most faithful conviction, that that fateful episode of national upheaval will never be repeated in this country, because in the present time the sons of Bolívar and Chávez, under the leadership of our Commander in Chief, Nicolás Maduro Moros, are determined to strengthen the civic-military union to preserve life, freedom, sovereignty and national independence at all costs.

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Caracas, February 27, 2024

Vladímir Padrino López

General in Chief

Mazo News Team