

Deep well inaugurated to guarantee water supply to sectors of La Guaira

The well was inaugurated by the minister for water care, Rodolfo Marco Torres and the governor of La Guaira, Alejandro Terán
Photo: Hidrocapital

Published at: 16/05/2024 02:57 PM

In the Punta de Mulatos I sector of La Guaira, a deep well was inaugurated to improve the supply of drinking water to the population of this town.

This was reported by the Hydrological Department of the Capital Region (Hidrocapital) through its X account, where it indicated that this well will provide 4 liters per second to the sector's distribution network.

These tasks will benefit 1,500 inhabitants of this sector who will begin to receive quality service thanks, also, to the additional installation of 900 meters of pipes.

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