

Day of murals against fascism is being held across the country with the support of the PSUV

Walls full of color in favor of peace
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 07/09/2024 07:40 PM

Residents of the San Agustín parish in Caracas, carried out a day of painting murals with messages of peace and in rejection of fascism. The action was accompanied by the political team of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).

The head of the Caracas a Todo Color mural brigade, Enyer González, stressed that they were all united in one heart. “The idea is to create these beautiful murals against fascism, which is synonymous with hate and destruction, but we Venezuelans are people of peace. Venezuela is a territory of peace and we demonstrate it in the streets, the media, networks and walls,” he told VTV.

On the other hand, in the Valera municipality, the inhabitants of that town were very happy about this type of initiative to raise awareness about fascism, which goes against the ideals of El Libertador Simón Bolívar.

This day is part of the agenda being built for the World Congress against Fascism, where videoconferences and seminars have also been held, which will be held in Caracas on September 11 and 12.

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