

Daniela Cabello: We want the Country Brand to become a seal of quality made in Venezuela

Country brand present at Expo Transporte Venezuela 2023
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 08/12/2023 07:03 PM

Daniela Cabello assured that by 2024 she will begin a series of works and tours so that “Marca País becomes a seal of quality made in Venezuela”.

From the spaces of ExpoTransporte Venezuela 2023, which is being held at the Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda Air Base in La Carlota, the president of Marca País stated that “we want to participate in a lot of fairs and business meetings that will bring good, new and positive conclusions for Venezuela.”

Daniela Cabello noted that “there are plans to begin with the brand licensing process so that it can be presented to the country and from then on the positioning work with products that have export capacity, such as everything good and beautiful made in Venezuela.”

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