

CVG CABELUM Production Manager: Labor Force Boosts National Aluminum Production

Working day from the CVG Cabelum production line
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 24/05/2024 06:29 PM

This Friday, Richard Romero, Production Manager of the CVG CABELUM, specified that the working class gathered in the Productive Council of Workers (CPTT) promotes domestic aluminum production through the company Conductors of Aluminum del Caroní (CABELUM), located in Ciudad Bolívar, Bolivar state.

“Satisfying the national and international markets is one of the objectives that CABELUM seeks to consolidate, as one of the most important socialist companies in the region in the transformation of aluminum for electrical purposes,” he said.

During a day of work hand in hand with the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, he declared that thanks to the participation of the workers of the socialist enterprise, production levels have recovered.

He also specified that CABELUM's operating capacity is more than 20,000 tons per year, “an important figure that we have managed to achieve due to the commitment of the workers who are permanently involved in production processes

He added that “the working class plays an important role in the technological vanguard, adapting company spaces based on inventiveness, which has allowed progress in the manufacture of spare parts to increase production (...) We have Creole hands that have worked on the reconstruction and technological adaptation of the melting furnace to guarantee high quality conductors and thus meet the needs of the market, in addition to replacing imports in this sector,” he said.

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