

Cultori de Guaribe join the Viva Venezuela mi Patria Querida World Festival

Representations from more than 40 countries at this festival

Published at: 03/06/2024 05:42 PM

San José de Guaribe is present at the Great World Festival Viva Venezuela m i Patria Querida, through the Autonomous Municipal Institute of Culture, praising the music and traditions of this municipality in the state of Guárico. With staging and musical shows by Bandola Guaribera, Harp, Cuatro and Maracas, this delegation filled the stage with rhythms typical of the region.

This event was one of the most striking in Venezuela, due to the cultural events and works of art from the different states of the country that joined this meeting, in addition to the variety of representations shown by more than 40 countries. Thanks to President Nicolás Maduro, this activity full of color, creativity and passion became possible, symbolizing love for the country and the essence of a united people. Venezuela is committed to maintaining the customs and traditions, the dances, works, arts, music and crafts that form and make this nation grow.

The coordinator of the Municipal Autonomous Cultural Institute of San José de Guaribe, Cesar Yánez, expressed the emotion and joy of the group that has represented his people at this festival. “We are very happy to be here, it has been an excellent experience to be able to share with our Venezuelan sisters and brothers, with the cultivators of Venezuela. We are proud to be part of this cultural movement and to represent the Little Giant of the Heart of Venezuela, “El David de Guárico”.

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