

Cuban researcher Elio Perera: Strong resistance to the chaos and failure of a cyberfascist coup in Venezuela


Published at: 03/09/2024 03:42 PM

Since President Hugo Chávez democratically assumed the presidency of Venezuela, international reactionary sectors have not ceased their efforts to achieve an effective coup against the South American nation. To this end, they have exercised sanctions and other measures of harassment that have affected, without any consideration, both Chavistas and non-Chavistas, and all citizens.

When in 2015, US President Barack Obama declared Venezuela an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security of the United States, he publicly announced to the international community the hegemonic and interventionist interests and the upsurge of hatred towards the Bolivarian Republic.

Their arguments were repression, lack of democracy and freedom of expression. This Declaration and its justifications outlined the imperial strategies derived fundamentally from U.S. hegemony in its quest to intervene in Venezuela, replacing the use of traditional weapons with other manifestations of destabilization causing similar and even greater damage than combat projectiles.

As Obama said, all you have to do is flood Venezuela with enough “wastewater”, ask its citizens enough questions and plant conspiracy theories in Caracas and the main cities until the people don't know what to believe in, that people lose trust in their leaders, in their media, in their political institutions, that the truth disappears and only then will the game be won.

The American Intelligence Services bet that after March 5, 2013, the Venezuelan people would be left at the mercy of opposition leaders who had demonstrated acceptance among citizens for years; with the triumph of these leaders, the primary objective coming from sectors of the international extreme right linked to the work of analysis and destabilization instigated and put into practice by the Intelligence Services: the end of the Chavista ideology, the collapse until the disappearance of a Bolivarian ideological project and therefore the cessation of political and social forces defending Latin American feelings of integration and consultation.

With a strong school of thought and study of the effect of Digital Social Platforms, aware of the influence on individuals of messages through the media, the hegemonic communicational leadership insisted on using technological development and scientific research as much as possible to distort reality, create a sense of generalized Ignorance that would allow the dissemination of destabilizing messages against the Venezuelan government at the most appropriate times.

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela became attractive to the empire because of its continental geostrategic position and because of the possession of oil and other important resources included in the so-called Rare Earths, elements necessary for the development of the aerospace industry and cutting-edge technologies, both in the United States and in Europe, a framework at the service of the Military Industrial Complex with the participation of transnational companies and funds from the United States Department of Defense and organizations supplied by their Intelligence Services, mainly USAID and NED, Open Society, Wilson Center, and others.

From Europe, the American Intelligence Services worked in line with their European counterparts and with organizations such as the Atlas Network (Atlas Network), in training emerging Venezuelan leaders. As a result of this collaboration, the formation of the so-called Generation of 2007 became known, which gave political life to Juan Guaidó and other young opponents who caused much of the aggressiveness and political disorder in Venezuela.

From the outset, the Generation of 2007 was linked to Leopoldo López, Antonio Ledezma and other violent opponents to create guarimbas (fascist and bloodthirsty protests for the most part) through which they try to comply with what the Manuals of Political Destabilization categorize the subversion of the regime, that is, the overthrow in this case of the Venezuelan government through extremely aggressive methods.

The intensification of violence in Venezuelan streets was achieved with the support and funding of other institutions supported by intelligence structures for destabilizing purposes, including José María Aznar's ultra-reactionary Foundation for Analysis and Social Studies (FAES) and the Democratic Initiative of Spain and the Americas (IDEA).

This serves as an introduction to give an idea of the way in which imperial power has been fighting under unequal conditions the feelings of Venezuelan citizens, who want the overwhelming majority to live in peace and tranquility, without external interference and therefore with total attachment to respect their sovereignty. And also so that we think about the way in which the reactionary sectors acted in the days before and after the coup d'etat perpetrated following the presidential elections of July 28, 2024.

Before July 28, it became known that once again the extreme radical right would not recognize the electoral results under the pretext that President Nicolás Maduro would commit fraud.

Based on a document from the aforementioned Wilson Center, a Thinking Tank responsible for disseminating certain American interests, spokespersons for the opposition Democratic Unity Platform expressed that they would do quick counts (to try to justify false acts) and statements before official authorities spoke out.

Another purpose announced in advance by the extreme right encouraged by the Wilson Center was to use partial results from the Pollsters, falsifying these results not only to predict that government forces would lose but, most of all, to almost balance the results, creating a psychological climate of emotional alteration that would “warm” spirits, and that, once the results were officially decreed, even hours before, call for violent actions.

And the final purpose, once the violence was achieved, the alleged fraud was decreed by the Government, since those sectors of the extreme radical right would seek recognition and pronouncement from the international community.

If there is anything to highlight the radical Venezuelan and international extreme right, it is that they acted accordingly, immediately after the results were given by the governing body, the National Electoral Council, they implemented the destabilizing plan seeking to execute a coup d'etat.

Some thousand groups made up of the opposition Commandos, with paramilitary characteristics, paid according to the crime they committed and under the influence of some powerful drugs such as Captagon (studied and analyzed for their effects by the United States Department of Defense) violently attacked public institutions and murdered 27 people, injured 196 (one hundred of them belonging to the Venezuelan security forces present in the Plan República), and psychological damage to the population that will delay perhaps some time to recover from those violent attacks.

Among the traditional message lines of the Destabilization Manuals exposed in the days before and after July 28 against Venezuela are:

  • Principles outlined in the Theory of Strategic Intelligence, argued by theorist and CIA agent Sherman Kent: psychological and other violent weapons against a population whose resistance capacity must be weakened, strengthening that of the adversary to overcome with the use of any possible method (the end justifies the means).
  • Elements characterized by the Theory of Self-Defense and Preventive War, conceptualizations from the United States Department of Defense and its intelligence services that seek to create in the international community the certainty that they (the aggressors) are heavily threatened victims and that those attacked (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela) must be attacked preventively to avoid greater evils.
  • The government of Nicolás Maduro is anti-democratic, violates human rights and suppresses threatening world peace, which is prone to Chaos (they recognize from these Manuals that political, social and psychological chaos is also an important combat weapon to justify from its initial use).
  • Individuals cannot know the Truth, they must be deprived of analyzing their real daily life, which must be “filled” with communicative spaces responsible for “engaging” and reproducing feelings of banality, so that these individuals, without realizing it, are emotionally and socially isolated from communities.
  • It must be demoralized by all possible means, and then demoralization must be reinforced through measures of coercion (hence the more than 936 unilateral coercive measures imposed by the United States) trying to achieve as a positive effect the fulfillment of the Stockholm Syndrome (such as the heartbreaking effect on the social order that the population accepts the superiority of the adversary, seeking social and necessary adaptability, in a tone of approval with the mechanisms of domination). Based on that principle, during this coup, unsuccessfully, they tried to bring positive results to threats to social leaders and members of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces, and their families.
  • Use of Private Military Contractors, NGOs, Phones, Cameras, Memes on Social Platforms, and the generation of thousands of messages by Influencers and Youtubers, spreaders of hate.
  • Replicate short lines of messages that deepen over time until they penetrate the subconscious (Maduro is the culprit; if you vote for us we will bring back your family with all the benefits) so that the Aggressor is recognized as the great solver of the Conflict; intensify the messages and link them with other measures of disinformation against individuals until they are able to confuse and penetrate the daily treatment of social family life.
  • Maintain Public Private Collaboration at all times. Governments issue the Guidelines and then the Social Platforms execute them (thus fulfilling the primary objective of the emergence of these Platforms created by Pentagon guidelines, giving all their infrastructure to private entrepreneurs for subsequent technological development so that these entrepreneurs (and not Intelligence Services) would appear as the visible face before the State and Public Opinion.
  • Develop for (destabilizing) purposes a Digital Revolution that achieves the use of physical, digital and cyberspace in unison.
  • To instill religious feelings that encourage disrespect for institutions (trying to gain followers, fundamentally, towards tendencies that defend Satanism).

It should be noted that coinciding with the US declaration of Venezuela, an unusual and extraordinary threat to its National Security, the senior executives of the Intelligence System created the Digital Innovation Directory to unify and strengthen analytical, logistical and operational work in the field for destabilizing purposes, everything seems to indicate that it was this Directory that was responsible and the main contributor to a large part of the failed actions against the stability of Venezuelan citizenship.


The rapid reaction of the civic-military structures put in place by the Venezuelan public authorities prevented the achievement of the initial objective of the reactionary forces during the coup d'etat: the general blackout that, if it occurred, would have made it impossible to demonstrate the veracity of the results in the voting ceremony.

The international extreme right called for the Judicialization of Politics modality, a failed attempt to jeopardize the Venezuelan public authorities, highlighting the actions of those powers, including the Bolivarian National Armed Forces, which generally and repeatedly supported President Maduro and participated effectively in the Plan República.

The reactionary sectors are trying to break Venezuela through the OAS by uniting several countries in the style of the failed Lima Group; in response, the Government of President Nicolás Maduro promotes the 7 Transformations present in the Plan of the Fatherland, will hold an International Congress against Fascism, and has the support of the vast majority of its citizens (including almost all of the Opposition) for an Inclusive National Dialogue that will strengthen the favorable forecasts of economic growth that characterize currently in Venezuela (more than 8%) after having lost 98% of its productive capacities as a result of unilateral sanctioning measures.

Venezuela is invited by Russia to participate in the BRICS Summit in October, which also counteracts one of the objectives of the coup d'etat: to prevent economic resources from being shared for mutual benefit, Venezuela and those of other powers such as Russia and China. With the possible entry of Venezuela into the BRICS, the sanctioning effect of unilateral measures will be almost meaningless.

Venezuela has experienced increasing economic growth for more than thirteen quarters and is capable of producing 96% of what it consumes nationally. As President Nicolás Maduro said at the close of his campaign from the Tribune where President Chávez spoke publicly for the last time: Venezuela owes all this and more to Christian Socialism and to the Bolivarian thought of Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías, on the anniversary of his 70th birthday.


* Master in Contemporary History and International Relations. Mention: Latin American Studies. Fernando Ortiz Foundation. University of Havana. 2006 Edition. Researcher for the Latin American and Communication teams of the Center for International Policy Research (CIPI). Graduated in 1987 from the Faculty of Journalism at the University of Havana. Graduated from the Specialty of Typing and Audiovisual Shorthand. Faculty of Arts and Letters. University of Havana. 1982-1986. Diploma in studies about the United States. CESEUS. University of Havana. 2004; and in Defense and National Security. 2005. Author of topics related to Security, and Latin American Politics.