

Cuba reports first cases of Oropouche fever

Oropouche fever, a virus transmitted by vectors of the genus Culicidae (mosquitoes) and Culicoides (gnats)

Published at: 28/05/2024 10:30 AM

The Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) of Cuba reported that cases of people infected with the Oropouche fever virus have been detected in the province of Santiago de Cuba and Songo La Maya.

“There are no serious, critical or death cases reported from Oropouche, but that's not why it can be downplayed,” said the national director of Epidemiology at MINSAP, Francisco Durán.

Despite the fact that the MINSAP did not specify the number of cases that were registered, it indicated that “all cases have progressed favorably with improvement of symptoms between the third and fourth day of the onset of the disease.”

As published by the Xinhua portal, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) indicated that the presence of this disease has been registered in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia and Peru.

It should be noted that Oropouche fever is a virus transmitted by vectors of the genus Culicidae (mosquitoes) and Culicoides (gnats) .