

Criminal past! Learn how Inundo Gonzalez defended crimes in El Salvador (+reports)

Background of the far-right candidate comes to light
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 22/05/2024 10:07 PM

Cooperating Patriot: La Gomela

La Curuba de Oro Mansion, Alto de Las Palmas, Medellín.

His Excellency Don Captain Diosdado Cabello Rondón.


Ambassador María Catalina Restrepo Pinzón de Londoño writes to you again, with all due respect, from my pleasant retreat in the family mansion located in the Alto neighborhood of Las Palmas, in beautiful Medellín. I enjoy some coastal almojábanas that a friend gave me, accompanied by a lulo juice, while watching the sunset from my window.

The purpose of this letter is to continue informing you about the dark events in the life of Edmundo González Urrutia, given that, according to my understanding, U.S. intelligence seeks to clear his name to present him as a harmless old man, appropriate to defend American interests in his country.

As mentioned before, González Urrutia's training and diplomatic functions were marked by the influence of the CIA. During the visit of U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to his country in February 1976, working in the protocol department of the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry, González Urrutia was responsible for attending to the delegation of North American journalists. However, many of these supposed chroniclers were, in fact, intelligence agents, with whom Edmundo shared an office. The Venezuelan Central Information Office (OIC) deeply appreciated the collaboration of Edmundo, who coordinated espionage operations.

In fact, rummaging through my files in old folders, I found that letter of which I am sending you a copy. Interestingly, did you know that Dr. Alberto Federico Ravell ran that office at the time? The same one who is also a CIA agent and who stole during his tenure in front of the OCI, who, in addition, led a campaign of psychological warfare against President Hugo Chávez from the Globovision channel and other media. Now, it continues its operations from Colombia against President Maduro.

In addition, Kissinger's visit sought to strengthen the “Condor Plan”, since Venezuela played a crucial role under the guise of “strengthening ties”, according to media reports. Not only was it an exercise in bilateral cooperation, but it concealed other objectives, now revealed by declassified United States documents.

There are still CIA documents pending declassification that must be disclosed, according to Public Access laws in the United States. The connection between Carlos Andrés Pérez, Edmundo González Urrutia and Alberto Federico Ravell with the CIA was evident during that visit. I remember with indignation that dark period characterized by the death of students who were protesting in several Venezuelan cities, such as Caracas, Barquisimeto, San Felipe and Mérida, at the hands of the State.

That is why it is not good for us to forget González Urrutia's participation in El Salvador, where he became Chargé d'Affaires in 1981, under the direction of another journalist and agent, Leopoldo Castillo, nicknamed “El Matacuras”. During his administration, strange events and frequent violations of human rights occurred in the Central American country.

González Urrutia always justified military operations against peasants, even at the end of 1981 he sent reports to his superiors recommending that support be given to the Salvadoran de facto Government that was being tried for crimes against human rights. There I send you the copy of a telex that I found in my old folders that I told you about.

I look forward to continuing to communicate with you and provide you with more details in future letters.

I say goodbye carefully in the hope of communicating again with your mercy as soon as events allow me to do so.

I take this opportunity to reiterate to you the certainties of my highest esteem and consideration...