

Couple sentenced to 30 years in prison for the murder of their one year and five month old son

Today's convicts will wait at the CICPC for their transfer to a prison
Photo; Internet

Published at: 15/05/2024 11:36 AM

A couple was sentenced to 30 years in prison for their responsibility in the murder of their one year and 5 months old son, an event that occurred in Maracay, Aragua state.

According to a note from the Public Ministry (MP), the incident occurred on December 29, 2023 in the Girardot municipality of that entity, when the mother and her stepfather admitted the child in emergency to the Maracay Military Hospital, where doctors initially treated the infant for respiratory distress, but they also noticed that he had bodily injuries that ended up causing his death.

After a legal autopsy, the results showed that the child's cause of death was traumatic brain injury and respiratory paralysis caused by multiple contusions.

Faced with these findings, the doctors requested the presence of officials of the Bolivarian National Police (PNB) to apprehend the mother and stepfather in order to leave them at the disposal of the MP.

During the trial, the 16th Public Prosecutor's Office of Aragua upheld the accusation against the mother, for the crime of intentional qualified homicide and cruel treatment. For his part, the accusation against the stepfather for the crime of commission by omission of the first type of criminal offence and cruel treatment was ratified.

Once the tax office evacuated the evidence inherent to the case, the 9th Trial Court in that entity handed down the above-mentioned conviction against the couple and ordered their detention at the headquarters of the Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigations Corps (CICPC) in Maracay, while they await transfer to other detention centers.

Mazo News Team