

Council of Vice-Presidents evaluated the development of the Plan of the Seven Transformations

The authorities during the review of policies in the social and economic sphere

Published at: 29/01/2024 05:22 PM

The Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, held a working day this Monday, the 29th, with the Council of Sectorial Vice-Presidents, in which they evaluated the development of the Plan of the 7 Transformations, the 1×10 System of Good Governance and the deployment of the Community and Military Brigades for Education and Health (BRICOMILES), among other policies of social and economic interaction.

The meeting, broadcast by Venezolana de Televisión, points out that the authorities are strengthening methods and actions as part of the seven transformations to consolidate the model of welfare and social happiness, in compliance with the objectives aimed at consolidating Venezuela in the coming years, in terms of economy, full independence of the homeland, peace, security and territorial integrity.

Social care was also addressed through missions and major missions, to advance in the consolidation of direct democracy, with republican ethics, to join actions to combat the climate crisis, promote awareness and protect the people from environmental impact, as well as the inclusion and leadership in Venezuela in the new global configuration of the multipolar world.

Another subject, analyzed, were the actions to be deployed in turn to the 1×10 System for Good Governance and the BRICOMILES, which are part of care policies in the social sphere.

In this regard, the head of state has issued the instruction to exceed 95% of efficiency and national reach through the system, which to date has registered more than two million 221 thousand cases treated.

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