

CORPOZULIA rehabilitates Manuela Sáenz Health Complex in Cabimas

Beneficiary families in the jurisdiction
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 21/05/2024 08:20 PM

The Zuliana Development Corporation (CORPOZULIA) carried out the rehabilitation work of the Manuela Sáenz de Cabimas Health Complex.

More than 108,000 inhabitants of the municipality of Cabimas and the East Coast of the Lake will benefit from the project, which is located in the central area of the municipality.

“The restoration was carried out on more than 10,000 square meters of the institution, with the objective of strengthening the provision of services in 38 medical specialties, benefiting more than 108,000 inhabitants of Cabimas and other towns on the East Coast of the Lake,” explained the president of CORPOZULIA, Néstor Luis Reverol, quoted by the institution.

In addition, the Ministry of Health has equipped this medical complex with more than 451 high-tech equipment and an ambulance for emergency care.

The medical facility has a Comprehensive Diagnostic Center (CDI), a Comprehensive Rehabilitation Room (SRI) and a High Technology Center (CAT) and its resonance equipment and tomographs are in perfect working order.

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