

CORPOZULIA activates road cleaning plan in Maracaibo

Improvements for Zulians
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 15/05/2024 04:02 PM

Through CORPOZULIA, the Bolivarian Government has activated the road cleaning plan in Maracaibo, Zulia state, with 500 workers who make up the 1×10 Solutions Brigades of Good Governance.

From the Hugo Chávez Frías Road Corridor in Maracaibo, in Francisco Eugenio Bustamante parish, the president of CORPOZULIA, Néstor Reverol explained that these corrective and preventive works are carried out simultaneously on Ring Road 1 and 2; Limpia and Milagro Norte avenues, extending to the municipalities of Cabimas, San Francisco, Lagunillas and Mara.

Reverol explained that the first phase began with cleaning, asphalting, demarcating and placing cat eyes. In addition, the installation of 528 luminaires, 11 control boxes and 8,300 meters of cables, to optimize roads in this sector of the capital.

In this regard, the president of the institution added that with the road cleaning plan that is being initiated in the Francisco Eugenio Bustamante parish, the garbage collection plan will be consolidated, which will be extended throughout Maracaibo.

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