

Copei registered Juan Carlos Alvarado as its candidate for 28-J

Juan Carlos Alvarado is the fourth presidential candidate of the opposition
Photo: Internet

Published at: 22/03/2024 01:44 PM

The right-wing Electoral Political Organization Committee (COPEI) registered, before the National Electoral Council (CNE), Juan Carlos Alvarado as its standard bearer for the presidential elections.

The registration of this new opposition candidacy took place after the CNE confirmed that Alvarado met all the conditions established in the law to run for the office of President of the Republic.

In this regard, Alvarado assured that his candidacy moves away from the political conflict and the economic blockade imposed on our country by imperialism at the request of sectors of the Venezuelan opposition.

“After more than 30 years, our political organization presents a government project, a candidate. Today, COPEI presents the center's alternative, the alternative to conflicts that have left no benefit for Venezuela,” he said.

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