

Comuna Cacique Higoroto de Brión will have a House of Culture

It is expected that in these spaces, children, young people and adults can receive dance, singing, theater and painting classes
VTV photo

Published at: 27/05/2024 10:28 AM

The secretary of the Cultural Cabinet in Miranda, Gabriela Simoza, reported that the Cacique Higoroto Commune of the Higuerote parish of the Brión municipality of the entity, received the approved resources, through the National Popular Consultation 2024, for the installation of the House of Culture.

According to information from Venezolana de Televisión (VTV), this project will serve 31 community councils, belonging to the commune, which is the largest in Higuerote. In this space, the cultural cabinet will operate, which will allow cultivators and artists to offer the community a comprehensive training program.

The community received the first part of the resources granted by the Government of Miranda and in the coming days the second part allocated by the National Government will be delivered.

It is expected that in these spaces, children, young people and adults can receive classes in dance, singing, theater, painting, among other cultural and heritage training activities.

VTV/Mazo News Team