

Commander Chávez: We must make a greater and better communication effort

Published at: 15/05/2024 11:38 PM

On October 9, 2005, the Leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chávez Frías, called for a greater and better communication effort to inform and defend the truth about Venezuela in the world.

“We must make a greater and better communication effort, last night I was talking to some ministers and I insisted on this, on putting into public opinion data, programs, achievements, advances, self-criticism, criticism of management (...) We must inform and give participation to the community and fighting that communication battle, is very important. The communication effort, the communication effort because it is a battle”, urged the Commander during his Hello President No. 236 from the state Lara.

In that sense, he referred to the fact that the communication battle was of great importance to defeat the campaigns set up by the national and international media laboratories of the right to attack the Revolution and Venezuela.

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